DIY Herb Planters! Lets build a herb planter, the best herb planter you can imagine! In this video, I show you step by step how to build the simplest DIY herb planter box from just three cedar fence boards. You only need two tools, either a hammer or stapler, and a mitre (chop) saw. After that, 10 minutes (or less) of your time and you’ll have a brand new custom made herb planter box, better than the ones you buy at the store for triple the price!
Some ideas on how to grow Basil from cuttings:
More Basil:
DIY Potting Mix:
That's a simple, yet beautiful design. Great idea Jeff!
Once your planter is built, you gotta fill it with the best DIY potting mix!: And, why not grow some garlic in it over the winter like I do in this video!:
Not just herbs. I've grown cherry tomatoes, flowers, strawberries, microgreens, lettuce, and even bonsai trees! Anything that's shallow rooted is game!
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Excellent.. cheap is good for home gardening. It keeps us busy and motivated to try new things.
but what about Wood-rot due to watering or moisture overtime?
As an improvement, can I drill holes in the bottom part of the planter? Or perhaps line the inside with nylon and drill tiny holes for some kind of ventilation. I'd like to know if you've tried this before or if you think it'll make sense to try.
Thank you for your videos bro…
That was easy might do it
I can't find cedar fence planks in stores here in Florida anymore. They used to have them years ago but now it is all pressure treated pine now and you don't want to use that for growing food. I've often wondered if it was because gardeners were using them over the cedar planter kits they sell for $80+.
8 foot cedar board 3 for $10 Canadian. He must live near a sawmill and buy them at cost. Those boards are over $10 each at the big box stores here in Michigan.
Nice and easy design! Thanks for the video. What size fence pickets are you using? I'm not sure how deep the herb roots need
Do you recommend adding drainage holes in the bottom?
and here I was about to spend $60 on planters!
Thanks for the videos. why do you have an angle cut on the ends?
You'll find all the inspiration you need on Woodprix.
I did it myself. Find Woodprix quickly. if you want to do that.
What is the length of the flat nose left on the ends after the angled cut? Thanks!
Quick easy access to many projects with Woodprix plans.
Just made a few of these b/c of your video!! 1 8’ picket got me 1 full planter box of 2.5’. Thanks!
did you add in drainage?
Love these. Just a question You didn’t put drain holes in the base is that intentional. Thanks. It’s ok I found the answer to another person’s question should have read comments first. Thanks
In under $40 today! Haha good video
Have you seen the price of lumber lately????? 10 bucks is ancient history.
friggin' genius………
Thank you , I watched all from your Don't prune pepper video ….
Josette Tharp Montgomery County, Texas
Question do you need wholes in bottom? Want to grow garlic in them like you have shown in another video.
Great idea. I'd recommend using stainless steel nails/staples if you don't want your fasteners to rust or corrode from the cedar tannins. Or, at minimum, hot-dipped galvanized or aluminum.