March 15, 2025

VIDEO: The Brew City Moving Sale! – How did we do??

Since we have to move on short notice we decided to have a moving sale to reduce unneeded things around the house.
How did we do?
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8 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Brew City Moving Sale! – How did we do??

  1. When we were forced to move, we toted everything 320 miles to our land and stored most of it for like a year ans a half in a storage rental, then in a temporary structure we built, and finally threw out the majority of it. We should have gotten rid of most of it right off the bat and figured on starting anew. We went from 2700 square feet with a huge shed down to 1100 square feet and a container. Get rid of whatever you can now and save the time, effort, and expense of moving and storing it several times before tossing it later…

  2. With the amount of "stuff" I have collected or "rescued" over the last 10 years will require us to have a fire sale if we ever move. I am a lot like Mrs. BrewCity.
    I really appreciate your transparency in the situation. Blessings to the whole family!

  3. Free is a magic word. Sorry the sale didn’t work out. It is a lot of work to put together a yard sale. This is going to put your need for things in perspective as you choose what to keep and what goes. I couldn’t imagine the work involved in moving from what you have to where you are going. I’ve heard giving up a lot of your possessions can feel freeing…I hope you find that. This is not a failure. It was thrown at you and you are dealing with it in an impressive way.

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