June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Harvest and Update September 29, 2019

The garden is still producing pretty well for this time of year. It hasn’t rained in over a month and we are experiencing record high temperatures. We are still harvesting peppers and okra and we picked our first harvest of butter beans of the season!

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest and Update September 29, 2019

  1. You guys have such a great productive garden, this has become one of my favourite channels! I love to see a well tended intelligently managed vegetable garden! I can’t believe the size of the okra! I’m wondering if butter beans are the same as Lima beans, do you shell them or eat the whole pod? It’s amazing that you can get a second crop of tomatoes and cucumbers!


  2. Very nice harvests and garden walk through Lea!! Temps are supposed to start cooling
    down here, key word supposed lol. How many catfish do you think y'all have??
    Have a good'nnn

  3. My okra plants are touching my power line to the house also! I have to pick daily and sharing with my family. I do the same thing by grabbing the plant as high as I can reach then walk it down to where I can stretch to harvest. My tomatoes and everything including watermelons and pumpkins are still producing a lot . I thought they would die out but now I’ll have to cut them down to plant my fall crops next week when it cools off. Do you have a video on your fish pond? I’d love to learn more about it. How old is your asparagus plants? Thanks

  4. I am amazed at how good your garden look and how much it is still producing this late in the year! I am late watching this one because my weekends have been spent on my car projects, and weekends is when I usually would catch up on my youtube viewing. Nice work guys!!! I hope it will cool off for you soon. It was 97 here yesterday, but we are getting down to 60 at night which is really nice! All my doors and windows are open for a few hours in the morning!!!

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