Aglaonema, or Chinese Evergreen, is a strangely-undervalued houseplant, and I’m not sure why. There are some absolutely gorgous varieties and it’s easy to care for, making it perfect for a self-proclaimed “black thumb.”
Today we’re looking at three varieties of red aglaonema I got from Josh’s Frogs, as well as how to care for them properly.
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Love this, very helpful and quick guide!!
What if the leaves became yellowish ??
So Nice! Aglaonema is one my fave also. I actually did a propagation video hehe! <3
could you show us how to propagate this plant? mine is outgrowing its pot and want to give some away to friends
Aglonema leaves in your white ceramic pot have curled a bit, isn’t it an issue?
Thanks for being short and sweet and full of useful information. Fab.
Mine is not happy in my house. I rooted some cuttings from a friend's plant in water and then put them in soil. They are very leggy, not growing at all and the leaves are yellowing. Should I try to plant the leggy canes under the soil to see what they'll do? I'm not sure what to do for it…Thanks!
I wish I could send you a pick of mine idk what to do anymore
Nice plant
if my plant has a rip in the leaf is it okay to prune the leaf? it’s very healthy just one damanged leaf!
Great video thank you so much! I recently got an all pink one and i’m super anxious about killing it off, but i’m feeling much calmer now so thank you
Mine almost died in low light, I moved it outside behind a majestic palm and it took off, it’s beautiful now.
Great video . The under leafs of the queen are getting very pale . What could I do ??
The pest part was absolutely useless.
Explained in a beautiful manner …..
We have the Queen variety. It was at a south-facing window. The leaves started turning yellowish. We don't know what to do. The soil was infested with fungus gnats, too, but I got rid of them recently. Should I give it some seaweed fertilizer and put it away from that south window?
How do you propagate them? Great video thank you.
Can you cut off and propagate this plant? The main branch on mine has gotten too long and is now drooping. I don’t know what to do. Pls help!
I've been given a "Red Aglonema Plant" that is only a stem about 3 inches high and that's it. It is planted in soil but has no leaves. Is there anything I can do to help it to start to grow? I'd hate for it to rot or die on me.
Any suggestions please.
I watched your tomato plant video and we had tomatoes! (After two failed seasons!) I have been in love with the red Chinese evergreen plant but have been hesitant, mainly because I still have questions: 1) I would like to have a large pot in an office space, do I place several plants in a pot? What is the best way to go about that? 2) the one plant I ever saw (and fell in love) was a large one, the leaves closer to the soil were all dried/crumbly and the plants were falling to the side. Will it always have dry leaves as it grows? It naturally falls over or it should be "staked" or something was wrong with that specific plant? Thank you in advance! Learning so much from all your videos!
where is your coupon code for josh's frogs
Just subscribed. Thanks for the info. I have a silver bay coming soon.
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Mine is drooping. I thought the pot it was in had drainage but it didn't. When it began to droop I thought it was from lack of water so i kept watering. I took it out and the soil was really soggy. Is there anyway to save? Should I cut the drooping leaves and, if so, how do you do it safely. I repotted it in dryer soil and am now waiting to see what happens. It's such a bummer! It was really beautiful.
I love all kinds! Enjoy your videos!
Thank you!!!
I've had my aglaonemas for about a year now. It's the one that has red outlining the leaves. Most of the bottom leaves are gone and I have this long stem. Not a full looking plant. What can I do? Add another plant?