June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Reducing Environmental Toxins with Dr. Devra Davis Part 2

Dr. Devra Davis is a respected leader in environmental toxicology heading the Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit organization raising awareness about human-made health threats. Dr. Davis will share the latest in policy and research concerning environmental hazards, as well as how to reduce exposure at the individual and community levels. Dr. Davis has authored over 200 publications as well as three books, one of which was a finalist for the National Book Award. She has advised Congress, the UN, and The World Health Organization. She will address other environmental hazards as well, including cell phones, wireless technology, and blue light. Her lecture will also draw parallels between human and ecological impacts, touching on the effects of environmental toxins in the climate change debate. She will end the talk with a focus on tips for reducing your exposure, as well as what communities can do to reduce toxins, and decrease greenhouse gases. In part 2, Dr. Davis begins by examining how cancers are linked to the environment we live in.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Reducing Environmental Toxins with Dr. Devra Davis Part 2

  1. Very informative lecture. It is mind blowing that government officials are turning blind eye on the people they are supposed to protect and defend.

    The unfortunate woman diagnosed with breast cancer was “vegetarian”. Vegetarians unfortunately eat dairy, eggs, animal fats and oils, causing premature diseases too.

    We must eat what comes from the ground, not what comes from someone else’s stomach, mouth, behind and breasts, packages, bottles and pills. Unless there’re no other options available.

    Radiation, pollution, chemicals, stress definitely add to our own misery.

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