March 2, 2025

VIDEO: I MISSED YOU! (Close Call for the Garden) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: I MISSED YOU! (Close Call for the Garden) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. I have always trained my dogs by treating them more like toddlers… Similar to what you have dong with Bear, Ruby is my shadow dog shes a Boston Terrier. I can let her loose anywhere and she will not leave my side within reason, she will sniff around but never out of eyesight We also breed so I started her training at 5 weeks or so, potty trained by 10 weeks and trained to some tricks at 12 weeks, consistency is key! One command at a time until they grasp it. I will also add we didn't have out son when Ruby was born, and I also had her mother Pokey who was also trained so she helped.

  2. GLAD your garden is doing well. That squash looks amazing. I wish I would've planted more so that I can harvest today. The summer was awful. But I have a few plants coming up. Everything looks good. Bear is such a good dog. Blessings. Bertha in Texas .

  3. My pitbull goes and does chores on the farm with me. He has always been so good with all the animals. I got him at 6 weeks old and exposed him at that young age to teach him his farm manners. He used to ride my horses with me. He would sit on my lap and we would go on rides together! Now that he is 70 pounds, he gets so confused as to why he can't ride with me. But he follows along on foot!

  4. O. M. G. Your little sons are the cutest, sweetest, most endearing children. My heart melted when Ezra gave you that flower! My boys are now 35, 33 and 27, and I fondly remember those little gifts of flowers when they were young. The gifts just get better as they get older….they gave me grandkids & I can't think of a better gift than that!

  5. I absolutely love y'all. I've been following you guys for just a short while now, however, what y'all post is informative and entertaining. I enjoy seeing the love and care that y'all have put into what you have, from family to raising all that you do. I know it's a good deal of work, and possibly trying at times, but rewarding to say the least. Keep it up! May GOD bless and keep you.

  6. I can’t remember if you said you will be slaughtering your pigs yourselves or not. Either way, at what point is it a cost savings to have homegrown vs store bought?
    I appreciate your videos still and hope your trip was fun.

    We recently went to the the GIE in Louisville KY.

  7. This is the first time, thanks to you, that I have tried to raise anything in the fall and winter. Yay I have broccoli, cabbage, and Baby Beats. The Swiss chard and the spinach is growing like weeds. I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it. Thank you and I love you guys you make my day. Glad to see you back from your trip.

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