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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
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This is helpful
Perhaps it makes sense to prepare for more than "Seasonal Day Length Changes". It's important to mention that we are very probably not just in the "usual" cooling cycle:
"The cosmic resources do not exist to pull the Sun out of its 'dying down' to the next Ice Age. The process that drove the cycles that we have seen in the past, such as from the Oort Minimum to Maunder Minimum, has become so diminished that these cycles no longer amount to anything, Even the big warming events of the past have all diminished. There is nothing left that can pull us out of the now ongoing climate collapse. We have come to the end of the big cycle, the interglacial cycle, which isn't really a cycle either, but merely a cyclical event caused by the threshold conditions. See my video: https://youtube . com/edit?o=U&video_id=B15ldhqjaaQ
It would be wonderful if we had another 50,000 years left of the current interglacial, instead of the 30 years that we do have, for which the evidence is everywhere.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter when the Ice Age begins if we don't respond to the already ongoing climate collapse. We are already experiencing massive crop losses, food rationing, and catastrophic spring blizzards. We are at the beginning of a gigantic food crisis that is fast getting worse, which we won't survive at the present speed of the climate collapse. We are not heading into another cycle. We are heading towards a phase shift. It is dangerous to think in terms of cycles at this stage, because this thinking implies that we can weather the storm, whereby nothing gets done to create the infrastructures that our continued existence depends on in the very near future. The talk about cycles puts people to sleep. It's the song for depopulation. Would you like to be 'depopulated' then keep on dreaming this wonderful dream of the endless summer with a few rainy days along the way."
https://youtube . com/watch?v=krJ0dx9eIk8
Subscribed last night. A great deal!
Check out he’s got a cool interactive tool that’s tracking changes in GDD(growing degree days). Not sure it covers Canada, but he’s a cool dude much like yourself with excellent conversations on grand solar minimum and the mounting global crop losses.
CROCK POT! Brilliant!
Just found your channel. Can you actually make a good living doing urban farming? Been considering a career change out of the tech field due to stress and looking at options.
I created an Excel VBA Form Macro program which was made for aquaponics zipgrow towers which estimates DTM based on the time of the year. I could easily adapt this for 50' grow beds or any unit size market garden if anyone is interested. It works with forms vs scrolling around and entering data into the spreadsheet. The user never needs to access the spreadsheet, everything is automatically written and read into easy and simple user forms. It is a great tool to estimate revenue and corp planning. I actually built this for Bright Agrotech, but they had invested heavily in a similar web based product so I basically benched the project and then Bright Agrotech basically got bought out by Plenty. I can easily remake or adapt this program for anyone that interested.
Thank you for sharing this on youtube. I'm a home gardener and when I read your book, I realized I needed to make changes in my growing. Your book made me realize that I could grow more diversity and more plantings for extended harvests… and that I ought to figure out what we actually eat so that I'm using what I grow. A year ago, I let my land rest. During that time, I went over some scattered notes over a 15 year period…. combined with what you've taught…. and now I'm trying to really refine my planning. It's been challenging. I have a lot more to learn and document. But, your book and youtube videos have been helpful.
I recall this from the longer video. It is a good refresher. One new question, and I might put it in also. Would you ever consider low tunnels inside of high tunnels, or caterpillar tunnels? North Carolina 7b.
I've been a follower for a year and a half. I finished reading your book (cover to cover) last month. I fell asleep after a double shift today and woke up to a notification that this video was posted today. I looked at the time and the date, and IMMEDIATELY ran to the site. I haven't done more than scan through the content since finishing logging in, but WOW, the amount of content on there is absolutely remarkable!
I am traveling to visit organic farmers all over Japan.
I photograph clothing, food and housing related to agriculture.
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Great diy low tunnel I did this year.. rebar and 1 inch pvc perfectly covers 2 beds and is even cheaper. Great way to save on startup cost.
i live in a really hot climate, i would like to learn more about eric's shade cloth cooling system, can you point me his direction?
It's actually much more about temperature than day length, that's why it's faster in the green house even without lighting.