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Hello, Jess! I first want to tell you how much I look up to you.
You have turned your life into something so special; something you BELIEVE in. It is SO empowering to watch every one of your videos! I chuckled a little, when you introduced your eldest son and commented about how you were a Mom at a young age. I, too, had my kids relatively young and learned how to cook the same way: family and trial-and-error! LOL!! Thank you for bringing such meaningful content to your viewers. And your blessing – and the end of each and every video – ALWAYS warms my heart! <3
I feel like there's another life lesson in that lol. "There's more to chickens than their breasts."
Pork chops look yummy!
Hey guys, have you thought about adding wood chips to the garden to keep it from being full time mushy during winter. Usually tree trimmers will drop it off for free. Just a thought. ♥️
Been following you blog off and on this year. I tried the cattle panel thing in a new terrace bed we started this year. It went fairly well. We also eat whatever the farm gives us, usually meat and vegetable. My husband doesn't eat potato, but we do winter squash instead. We raised two pigs two years ago and then meat birds this year. A chicken will last us a week, not including the carcass and broth which I take off and make a big pot of chicken soup and then a couple of chicken pot pies. We stretch our hunks of meat out like that. We are on the list for road kill and have received moose, deer, turkey and we hope to get a bear sometime. We have a LOT of wild life in these woods. I love your youtube pieces. Keeps drawing me back when I have a little time to spare. Just put up 24 quarts of beets. Last weekend butchered 4 meat birds (11, 12, 13 & 13.5 lb). Picked some kale, probably the last for this year since it's now snowing and will be 9 degrees tonight with wind chill of much less. Some days I wish we lived where we could garden year round, but I don't see us moving ever again. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us wanna be's.
Thank you for putting the temperatures in centigrade for those of us who need it! I'm forever trying to work it out and end up having to rewind the next bit!
Kitten George!!!!
just an idea next time maybe you can add some of them Frozen tomatoes and some onions and let them cook after you serum on both sides finishing maneuver
I’d love to see an example of a plant-based meal that you cook for your family one day!
Are you going to dig up your Dahlia root ball and save it for next year?
Do you have an automatic window in your greenhouse? They open when it gets too hot and close again when the temp drops. You can get them for greenhouses.
I hope you expand on the way homesteaders eat and how God guides your thinking on feeding the family with homesteading. Also maybe some fails and how you learned what works & how much you need of things, like not growing so much that your sick that week and alot is wasted but over planting contributed to the waster as well as the unexpected busy with some else that week or illness .. ive personally dealt with alot if illness and even my grocery food planning to make and freeze over planning has been wasted
Jess you really peaked my interest in what you said about stuffing your turkey and mentioned different things you put inside it. Did you give us the particulars of some of the dishes you make. What about the cavity?
I hunt wild boar on my ranch I like pork loin and I also like pork butt for pull pork sandwiches
Shut the front door do you have a Spock cookie jar?!!!!!!!
Can someone homestead/farm without owning any animals? I didn’t know if there were any plant based people to also learn from?
I DID need to hear that

Thank you
I'm looking forward to your video about aligning your cooking with your convictions. I often am looking at a pile of homegrown produce and not knowing what to do with it, feeling overwhelmed and then making the same thing I always eat while my preserves and produce languish! Help a sister out!
Is that Mr. Spok on your counter, behind you?
Would be really curious to know more about how growing your own meat works for y'all and how you store it. Not necessarily the gory details if that's not comfortable for you, but some of the logistics of how much usable meat you get, how you adapt to having so many different cuts of meat to work with, etc.
They were taking a shower… all natural lol
I would love to see a routine video
I needed your long ramble
Don’t use olive oil for cooking. I just found out it can cause cancer. Use coconut or grape / sunflower. Always enjoy your post. God bless
The kitchen stool while cooking is one of the best ideas ever!