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great job!
great explanations
I am from India
Is this same type of farming
Me not yet got the book.
True and very good advice for me so many thanks to you.
One question mate..
if you have a diversify portfolio of products Why don’t you offer a monthly box along side to your other costumer?
Don’t you do? Microgrens?
Bonjour, je suis française, je me demande si tu as une formation spéciale pour être autorisé à faire ce travail en France. Comme ici, on est les spécialistes du "tu es obligé d'avoir le droit de" et qu'on ne laisse pas les gens exprimer leurs talents sans les assommer d'autorisations. Moi, je n'ai aucune formation en agriculture, mais je pense ce projet depuis plusieurs années, j'aurais mon terrain d'ici moins d'un an. Comme tu dis "it's my calling".
You talk a lot and show us less ! Sorry , butit is not ok !!!!!
clean nails are everything.
very specific and insightful! infrastructure video!!! thank you.
Very powerful and vital presentation really appreciate your knowledge base
thx, good job
Hello, I want to go for it. Just discovered JADAM farming. Do you got any experience with it? Or is it a well known thing in Europe and just some things got lost in translation in my head?! Thanks as well for your advice
That's a great video. I finished the agricultural superior school last year and now I'm at a 2 year post-diploma course, and my dream is to open a horticulture company with all the cool stuff you said in the first minutes of the video. I'm currently going on internships and I'm learning from a very young company which only has 4 years on its side, and it's already expanding. The owner of the company told me he wanted to do a lot of things and he's figuring out how and if to do them. I will have to start with standard vegetables, then I'm going to get greenhouses, have money saved from each group of income and then slowly grow up adding more and more things, always monitoring them to make sure they're not going crazy.
Good video to start farm
Thanks for the advice, I personally think the hardest parts are marketing and planning out of everything. So from this video I am getting all the research on planning out a farm and the cost to do so all together.
good night, good morning, brunette, alright, what happened that you didn't post any more videos, my name is Alex, Brazil
OMG, the best farming video I have ever watched!!
Really very nice.
My dad wants to get a farm
Thank you so much for sharing. So informative and interesting.
Great video. I am from Pakistan and my husband and I are starting a small permaculture farm, hopefully soon and in that context you and your videos are big big help. Thank you
Everyone need are difference . As business no volume no profit .
Sir what is the size of your farm?