We all love the idea of a white Christmas, but this year let’s dream of a green Christmas.
It’s easy and fun to make environmentally friendly gifts that don’t cost the Earth. And as gardeners we can go one step further and grow our own unique gifts.In this short video we’ll share our top 10 homegrown Christmas gift ideas, brimming with creative ways to show friends and family you care this festive season.
How to Preserve Herbs, Vinegars and Fruits in Vinegars as Holiday Gifts: https://youtu.be/ic0V5xWqzoY
Bug Hotel: How to Make a Home for Beneficial Insects:
How to Grow Delicious Herbs in Containers: https://youtu.be/3Vhve1K3jyg
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GrowVeg
If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at http://BigBugHunt.com
Love, love, love these ideas! Thank you for all your inspiring and informative videos all year! Have a wonderful holiday season!
I like dehydrating my veggies and herbs from my garden ! I get pint or quart jars, add the dried veggies, herbs and some noodles for a soup base/mix, put on the lid and add fabric and a bow ! All they have to do is add water and simmer for a nice hot pot of soup ! :} Healthier and No Salt !
I’m not the biggest fan of the consumer aspect of Christmas. I buy things that I know are wanted, reuse old gift wrap and/or use butcher paper or newspaper if I don’t have enough, and I make a lot of things to give to friends. My stepmom enjoys canning, so I always buy her mason jars. I have many friends who enjoy tea and, since I make custom tea blends for each season (some with dried herbs and flowers from my garden!!) it only makes sense to share.
If I’m buying in a store I try to shop local and with small businesses for as many things as I can, but sometimes I do resort to Amazon. I’m working on it though!
Smart thinking
Super film. Greetings
I LOVE the ideas in this video!
Some lovely ideas there thank you. I do already do the jams and marmalades though only the gooseberries are homegrown as I don't have many berry bushes. I like the idea of the apple cake and the seed packs..where do you get those little envelopes from? I have also taken a lot of cuttings from my plants ready for next year as I need to do a fundraiser and i find plant stalls go down well. They are not suitable for Xmas prezzies though as they're in their dormant stage and don't look much at the moment. Come spring time and they'll be much better! I like the bug houses and bird boxes too, we've made our own for us but I hadn't thought of gifting them. Merry Christmas everyone.
Homemade gifts are best. Something for the table that can be enjoyed.
What great ideas! I would love receiving one of these gifts. Thanks for the inspiration! I made jars of red and yellow bell peppers lacto fermenting, next year will make red and green for presents.
I love those ideas so much! Great video!!
I've been giving home-made jams for a few years now – it's great! This way I can give to so many more people than I otherwise would be able to. And I don't have to rush around to any stores and battle the crowd for shoppers!
I like the jumper!
Go green up in smoke cheet & chong he he ha ha merry Xmas Peter Scotland
I've an abundance of mint and coriander so I'm making little pots of mint jelly and coriander 'pesto' jars that can be stirred through stir-frys and such.
Also possibly some beetroot chutney/dip given how big my beetroot crop is!
There are some great ideas here! I'm going to try to remember some of these ideas for next year.
Grow luffas and turn them into soaps with scrubbies. Make gourd art. Baskets, bird feeders, bird houses, snow man, etc. make dried herb wreaths. Pumpkin bread from old jack-o-lanterns. Dried fruit in Trail mixes or granolas. Lots of ideas!
Cut the bottom inch and a half from bought green onions (organic if you can find them!) and plant the root in good soil. Soon you'll have green onions growing from it. Cutting the bottom from a bought celery and putting the base in a bit of water will grow lovely celery leaves for soups, etc.
This year I tried my head at growing popcorn. I had so many requests from friends to try it that I plan to grow it again next year and give it along with movie rentals as gifts next year. For a really unique gift keep it on the cob!
This year I'm making herbed oils, vinegars, salves, and spice mixes.
I have given amaryllis bulbs, started in pots, and flower bulbs in pots with "do not open 'till Christmas on the package. I also used to make herb vinegars and mustards.
I love this…
Great video brilliant ideas for Christmas presents
Love your informative videos. I like your Christmas jumper – from someone that's buried under two feet of snow.
Thank you!