March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Tips for a SUPER BUSHY Pothos Plant!

Growing a HUGE pothos plant with bushy, big leaves and a vining habit is pretty simple, provided you take note of these 5 tips. We often forget that Epipremnum aureum is a vining, vigorous grower in its natural habitat. So mimicking that habitat as well as some pruning and propagation techniques will keep your pothos looking bushy and full for years to come.

SPONSOR: Espoma Organic

Espoma Organic is a 90+ year company that’s been organic from the start, producing the finest-quality organic potting mixes, soils, and fertilizers for your indoor and outdoor garden. I particularly like the Indoor Potting Mix with Myco-Tone for water retention and root health.


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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips for a SUPER BUSHY Pothos Plant!

  1. 1. Yes this is a Scindapsus pictus, not a pothos (Epipremnum aureum) – I know that 🙂 but the tips are the same
    2. You can pot up multiple cuttings into the same hole to increase bushiness even further
    3. The powder I use when potting the cuttings is this:
    4. The sexy apron is one I custom-designed specifically for gardening, check it out here:

  2. Oooh [shakes head in disbelief] that was one nasty hatchet job on that lovey, happy contented plant (straight from the store by the looks of it). Little tip if you want a really big Scindapsus buy three nice full ones (many stems) and get yourself a nice wide pot and plant all three in it. Dont just pour potting soil over it like this either, you need to gently firm it down between or around the plant(s). Reason I say buy three is because it will always be uneven if you do it the way shown, one side much much shorter than the other as the cuttings will not catch up to the other side as it also grows of course.. If you want to make a big pot with your existing dangler start again from scratch. Chop the entire thing up and plant a whole pot of just cuttings out of it, as big as you like. Most will strike if you keep it humid and warm under some sort of baggie. Not overly wet not dry, it should be fine without any more attention as the baggie keeps it just right mositure wise as none of it can escape the bag. You should also use your favorite fungicide one time, be that an organic one or chemical.

  3. Can you take a couple of the long hanging legs and gently fold them up placing ends into the soil and hope they take root to make it bushier?

  4. i put my pothos in the morning sun and it did burn a few leaves but they've now adapted to it. it's growing soooo fast! I love it 😀 and no more burned leaves too hehe

  5. My scindapsus pictus exotica doesn't grow at all!!! I bought a plant of 4 leaves. But there was absolutely no growth. After a month I checked the root system. It was good and roots were coming out from 3 nodes. So I divided the whole plant into two. Repotted in a smaller pot as the nursery pot was too big! But nothing is happening at all! Please someone help me.

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