June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Potting Rosemary Cuttings 101 (2020)

Pot Up Those Rosemary Cuttings! In this video, I show you how I pot up my rooted Rosemary cuttings into their new pots, both for sale and for my personal use.

Rosemary is a woody perennial that can often be hard to propagate from cuttings. They don’t root as easily or as quickly as other herbs like Basil or Mint. But don’t despair…its not that difficult and with a few tips and strategies, you’ll be swimming in FREE Rosemary plants before you know it!

How To Dry Your Rosemary!: https://youtu.be/dj3Vg-tKB9Q
How To Propagate Rosemary From Cuttings!: https://youtu.be/btPIog2iWq8
How To Prune Rosemary!: https://youtu.be/RvjB-MJJF-M
Diy Potting Mix: https://youtu.be/9IP51CMBLaA

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Potting Rosemary Cuttings 101 (2020)

  1. Watching you do that, I just realized that those little Christmas trees that I saw in the floral department of our local Fred Meyer were actually Rosemary plants that had been cut into the shape of a Christmas tree. I don't remember how much they cost; but, were more than what I wanted to spend at that time. I didn't grow any herbs this season. Well, I did try to grow cilantro; but, I didn't get the plants until the first week in June and then it got hot and the plants went to seed fast. So, I'm thinking about planting earlier next growing season. It's snowing right now and there's about 4 or 5 inches so far. Then tomorrow it's supposed to warm up to 40 degrees. I'm not sure what that would be in Celsius degrees. But, it it does warm up and rain, it's going to be messy.

    Can Rosemary be grown indoors even without being in a sunny location? I only have one window where I can put plants. It faces east. There's no window sill or ledge. There's just a place that I can put plants. I would like to try and grow herbs indoors; but, don't have grow lights and don't really have the space to set up grow lights.

  2. If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your young plants up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible!

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  3. I love Rosemary! Garlic and Rosemary roasted potatoes in the oven are so delicious. Fortunately I already have a huge rosemary bush, but I still might try this!

  4. Thought you would go over why you scratched the lower stems. With the back of the scissors perhaps this was an important point we will never know because you didn't explain so its a bit of puzzeling video.

  5. Watering from below has been working out great for me… except that I live in Florida and am contributing to the mosquito population with the standing water!

  6. These cuttings don't look like the ones you rooted in water earlier. Is there anything you would do differently if you had roots coming off of them from propagating in water first?

  7. Love your videos. You have every video of the plant am trying to grow. Loved the potting soil video you have created. Me and my son created the same exact potting soil like you . Thanks and happy gardening

  8. **BEGINNER!!!* How much sun. Indirect or Direct for rosemary clippings? Lavender can't have direct sunlight while rooting but once roots grow & you transfer they require/live direct sun about 6-10 hours daily. Does rosemary cuttings work the same as lavender clippings do in the beginning stages of propogation, or does it need the same amount of sun & water as it prefers them normally as a grownup?

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