June 11, 2024

VIDEO: Hydroponic Broccoli Microgreens on Cheesecloth: Water vs. Nutrients, a Side By Side Comparison

I grew broccoli microgreens on cheesecloth two ways to see what the difference is in the development of the microgreens. I did this twice, the first didn’t turn out as expected, so I reran the experiment a little differently. I hope you enjoy this video! Below are Amazon Affiliate links to some of the items I used in this video:
Hydroponic Nutrients: https://amzn.to/2F89rZ9
Cheesecloth: https://amzn.to/36eCmXB

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hydroponic Broccoli Microgreens on Cheesecloth: Water vs. Nutrients, a Side By Side Comparison

  1. I love your videos – I'm sure I've watched them all at least once. This one is dynamite. I've been so stressed about being able to grow smaller amounts of microgreens instead of those big flat trays – and I'd wanted to do them hydroponically. This is a perfect solution!!!! I knew I had seen this video before – but couldn't find it in my Tikki file where I've bookmarked your videos. At last the lost little sheep has come home. I've bookmarked it now! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge in such a pleasant and inviting manner.

  2. Just found your channel. I've done hydroponics before but not specifically microgreens. Think I'll try the cheesecloth! Thanks for the experiment with the grow solution too.

  3. Excellent, well explained video. Can you please explain what the shaker is that you sprinkle the seeds with? I just couldn't catch what you called it. Thanks

  4. I think what might work better is to just use two containers, drill/punch a bunch of holes in one, and lay the cheese cloth in that. Then use the other as a resevoir, and maybe use the lid as a humidity dome until they out-grow it. It will be a shallower resevoir, but you should not need that much clearance for microgreen roots. You can get like 50 of these things for 20 bucks on amazon.

  5. Miniature vegetables are grown with pure water, and the finished vegetables have bad taste, more fiber and poor mouthfeel.

    Planting with the hydroponic nutrient solution, the finished vegetable has relatively good taste, less fiber and good mouthfeel;

    The problem is that if the human body absorbs hydroponic nutrient solution for a long time, will it get chronic diseases?

    Because that growth period of the miniature vegetable is very short, the miniature vegetable can be harvest and eaten in 6 to 10 days, and the nutrient solution absorb by the plant cannot be completely absorbed and converted by the plant due to the short growth period,

    Therefore, the human body is indirectly "eating" the hydroponic nutrient solution! Therefore, if hydroponic nutrient solution is used for planting, it must be clear whether hydroponic nutrient solution is harmful to human body before it can be used for planting! Otherwise, long-term consumption is likely to make you sick!

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