March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Hydroponic Growing System from Greenjoy: Product Review

This is an hydroponic growing system manufactured by Greenjoy. The system is on the larger side when compared with Aerogarden. This unit holds 15 plants. It is not as deep as my Aerogarden Classic, so I wouldn’t recommend it to grow tomatoes or the like, but for greens and herbs it was excellent. You can build your own hydroponic deep water culture system or one of the variations, for much less money. But if you don’t build your own, or you are looking to give someone a gift, this item is worth checking out. The manufacturer gave me this unit for free to try out, and I got a beautiful crop of lettuces and herbs in 5 weeks, so it did not disappoint!
Amazon link:

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hydroponic Growing System from Greenjoy: Product Review

  1. Why not just two liters of water and then the two different nutrient solutions. ? Is there a reason to do it in two steps like that? Also why 2 different solutions. Can't they sell them pre mixed together? Or is it like epoxy and once they mix it becomes something else?

  2. Purchasing a system like this is so unnecessary. Just view MHP Gardener's videos and build one. Save your money and use it to buy great seeds.

  3. I really appreciate that you include any mistakes that were made. It's easier for me to learn what not to do as well as what to do. 🙂 I started a small Ball jar hydroponic system in my basement about a month ago and wrapped the jars with aluminum foil to avoid algae growth. Everything is still at seedling stage and getting a little bigger every day. 🙂

  4. Looks like way more work than the aerogarden and for more money, but that’s just my opinion. You just love testing different systems- don’t you? Well it is fun watching you.

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