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Love this! I'm a young engineer with a balcony apartment garden in the US now, but something like this is my dream for the future. Great information to help learn and prepare during the here and now. Thanks!
How much compost do you put in each bed and how big are them?
How much did you put on initially when making the beds.
Hi Moreno! Do you use the same soil or compost for everything, that you grow? Next week I get a ton of compost and I plan to put it everywhere about 15cm high and I want to plant a lot of different things this year. I tried a lot before, but some plants just did not grow, like beans, onions or carrots. Hopefully it will be a better year. Thank you for your videos, you are living a lot of people’s dream and will inspire a lot to get started! ♥️
another excellent video
I found your channel just a few days ago and it has been an inspiration. Thank you. We have a small farm in Brittany, France which I hope to be able to make a living from. The information you have shared so far gives me the encouragement that I can make it work.
Where do you get the compost from and what cost? So far I haven't found anything less then 50 euros M3 which on a large scale doesn't go that farm and certainly not cost effective. Btw, I am in France too.
Your Videos are fantastic, you bring so much Information to us viewers which is really unterstandable. Thank you! I love your farms set up especially the trees! I think you mentioned in a previous video the plot was an old orchard? I just have one question, don‘t the trees cast too much shade onto your crops? This fascinates me because I love trees and want to incorporate as many into my plot as possible
Thank you again and I look forward to many more videos from you.
Best wishes from Austria
No snow yet this year?
Love it! Thank you. I have 4 hectare and am looking at all your videos and have really learned so much already. Please could you discuss compost (type and is it sieved, how long should it stand before using etc)
I can say that your videos and information are the best with great quality and caring. You show the real things in action instead of other videos where they show only the face of who presented them…thank you very much for your neat and professionalism…inspired me so much…your work, content, and info are very valuable!!
Thank you for those inspiring videos, i'm trying to build my farm here in US 2 hours away north from NYC hopefully i can make it.
What veggies really need greenhouse to grow all the time??
you are so informative and straight to the point. short and nice videos, so inspiring keep it up
So ur January in Europe would be our June in South Africa if am not mistaken
Hi Moreno, Great video! Can you do a video about your chickens! Do you sell the eggs or are they just for you and the family? Thanks.
Hi Moreno. Pls suggest your email id or Insta account.
Tulips and daffodils are pretty, but unfortunately very little value to pollinators. They have been bred to produce large flowers, but very, very little nectar/ pollen.
Love your channel. If you can, could you show a video on making compost. Thank you
Excelente…debes ponerle subtítulos en español…por favor.
SO from holland, nice job over there !
Wonderfull videos as usual
I'm planning to move to France (don't know where yet) for starting Garden Market with a friend. What area/region/department do you recommend to start a business? How to choose a good place to start a business? Thanks
dose the wood chipes are affected by termites
Hallo, wat doe je met de bedden die niet gevuld zijn in de winter? Enige voorzorgen tegen het dichtslaan van de grond?
Zeer interessante videos!
Hi Moreno
Thank you for posting about you farming methods it's inspired me to start my own farm.. I just have a small question you put bird house and feed the birds dont the birds eat ur crops like fruits
Thank you for your great wisdom.
I want to start a farm really bad, but I’m not too knowledgeable when it comes to planting / growing / repairing sandy soil. Also, growing in shady areas. These are the problems I am facing at the moment.