In this video, I show how I deal with my dog and his addiction to poison cane toads.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
My dog had a few near death experience biting toads when he was a pup. Fast-forward 3 yrs later he is still out there toad hunting like an ordinary day for him. No wonder i'd find him chillin like a villain every once in a while.
Hey did u try licking them i wanna know if family guy and simpsons got it right.
My dog torito ate and bit this toad that went into my friends house the other day. Even though foam started coming out of its mouth and he was shaking his head as if the experience was unpleasureable, he kept chasing the toad and licking it. I had to yell at him and then take the damn toad away of the house, and then rinsed his mouth with a hose.I thought my dog was a goner but there he is… waiting for another trip to my friends house so he can get high again….
wow, i'm really surprised the dog actually is addicted to it, and is smart enough to hide it a little and actually keeps seeking it out
do they chirp or scream like bullfrogs do? it's kind of hilarious if you watch some of the videos, or look up bullfrogs fighting or wrestling, that's hilarious lol
Na mate dry the poison out n smoke it then you can join him on his trip
Oi mate! I live on small farm in Brazil, and one of my dogs is crazy for the cane toads, too! He will prowl around the edge of the pond, finding them in the grass and weeds. If I try to take them away, then he kills them, so I just leave him alone until he puts it down for second because the froth and foam in his mouth starts to irritate him. I try not to let him out at night, because that's also when the porcupines are about, another of his prey animals. My other dog doesn't care about hunting the neighbors, she thinks he's crazy.
Here in Florida we are told to apply benzocaine spray to their abdomens, wait for them to go comatose, then put in freezer. I just had to do this a few hours ago with a few young ones that were living inside my screened patio.
Thanks for not killing them. Everything has it's place in the ecosystem. And people who harm any animals are sick in the head. It's never funny to play golf with a small animal. Makes me sad. We all need to respect animals around us.
Omg! Lmao!!! My dog Leo would do the same with our toads. I would tell him leave it.. he'd back off but watch the toad just fixated. Eventually he'd get the toad but get sick lil later.
CaneToad canine using his Canines to harvest hallucinogens.
Junkie dog.
what a junkie
25 years ago in qld you would go out at night and they were jumping everywhere. Dettol in a good squirter meant that you weren’t trying to get close and you could shoot at them. Didn’t need much and they would die almost instantly. What’s the difference to being trapped and then someone taking a knife to it.
I got an air gun..pellet gun and I pop them in the head at point blank range…1 to 2 pellets depending on how big they are kills them fast. They have really hard heads so bashing them is terrible and you have to make sure they aren't breathing still…they can take a hell of a beating and still not die. This is why I shoot them in the head at least twice most of the time. When they stop breathing then you KNOW you killed them. Ive had some I thought were dead but they werent…they lay still…then disappear with bodily damage…I don't want that…humane killing is the key and make sure they are dead by watching their breath.
To be honest, as horrible as it sounds, I've just been chucking them straight in the bin. Probably won't kill them in the long run but at least they are at my house in the meantime
I love this
Could make him wear a muzzle for six months? See if he picks it up just as fast after a detox? Probably wouldn't work…he'd just start shooting up, needles everywhere… probably an addiction to porcupine quills or crack-cacti…
I will say iv always been told they kill dogs even just being in there mouth for a couple seconds
Can the dog go to rehab then do Narcotics Anonymous?
leave him alone, he is just trying to figure out where dogs came from.
I come back and watch this video from time to time when I need a good laugh lol
Pretty sure your dog is addicted to 5-meo dmt
peter griffin– got to give it up. give up the toad now. oo, oo, oo.
Missing out on some good eating there, mate.