June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Microgreens from Sowing to Harvest

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At this time of year, the urge to start sowing for the coming growing season is almost irresistible. But it’s too soon for most crops – or is it?

Bursting with nutrients and packing a punch of taste, microgreens can be sown right now for a harvest within weeks or even days.

In this short video we’ll show you everything you need to know to grow microgreens indoors under grow lights.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Microgreens from Sowing to Harvest

  1. Hi there, I loved this video, thank you so much for sharing. I have been wanting to start microgreens for quite some time now and you make it look so easy. I do have a question though, can you reuse the growing medium once you harvest the microgreens from it? Thank you so much!

  2. Bwen growing microgreens in my room with coco coir only, works great! Im going to try coco fiber sheets next to make things cleaner. I like using them on burritos and wraps!

  3. I've been growing microgreens since last year, try dried marrowfat peas far cheaper buy in supermarket, under a £1 500grms hydrate them Grow max 2in harvest , as stalk gets tougher, far cheaper and taste great

  4. This is a really great. My only comment would be that I wanted to find out when you should harvest micro greens which wasn't explained beyond 'harvest them when they are the size you want' which is a little vague 🙂

  5. I just grew sweet corn to test the seeds from last year’s garden and was surprised that they sprouted because they were hybrid. But my chef friend mentioned eating them as micro greens and it shocked us how sweet and delicious

  6. Fantastic video, I so appreciate how short and straight to the point your videos are. Can’t wait to try it!

    Also, do you add any kind of fertilizer when growing micro greens?

  7. Thank you for your video, and I have subscribed! Excellent tutorial explaining simplistic cultivating techniques indoors. is inspiring for me. Cultivating looks doable for me I am ready to extract black-oil sunflower seeds and fill my own plate! Cheers! – Lorraine

  8. You are wonderful, Ben!!! I used to grow wheatgrass, harvest it like you did here with a scissors, and juice it. Pretty wild flavor, for sure and for certain! Not for the faint in heart.

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