March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Putting Row Covers on our Raised Beds | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Putting Row Covers on our Raised Beds | VLOG

  1. I've tried and given up on the bought wire hoops and pvc. This year I plan to use scrap 2"x4" fencing for my row covers. I'm redoing a fence for my first goats I hope to get in April.

  2. James Prigioni screwed pipe caps down onto the tops of the sides of the beds and then fit the pipe into each pipe cap, so it is removable. So, there is another option for anchoring the hoops, if needed.

  3. We had enjoyed sunny weather in the 50's, almost 60's, then Idaho was like, "LOL, just kidding!" and plummeted us into below freezing and snow. Yesterday was freezing weather and snowed all day, today is in the 50's again with tomorrow the same, and Saturday slamming us back into freezing temps with snow. Thank goodness for a greenhouse for refuge!

  4. Here in eastern North Carolina— warm one day, cold the next! Just like your area, lol. All this week: 70's . Next week 60's. Crazy weather wants to fool all of us

  5. Lmao I’m totally with Jess on the loving blankets thing. It is a legitimate plant protection technique tho to use row covers/plant blankets. It keeps the worst of the elements off them, kinda like a tent would do when you go camping.

  6. I'm not sure if you guys covered this in a previous video, but how did you guys build your raised beds? I love the posts and raw sides. How do you keep it held together?

    Keep making those awesome videos!!

  7. We used a 10" length of 3/4" pvc attached to the raised bed with 2 clips to make a sleeve the hoop pvc slips into. It's really easy to move the hoops and they are stable, no pivoting or center support is needed. I use the hoops with shade cloth too as our summers are blistering hot. Ours have been in the garden for five years and haven't degraded at all.

  8. Someone needs to regularly film miah doing projects because we need his content > filming your projects ads to the work and he has a ton on his plate now > pay one of the boys or something??? More miah please

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