March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Pruning Fruit Trees to Prevent Disease

In this video I demonstrate and discuss my process for preventing diseases though pruning, by avoiding the spread of existing plant disease and reducing the vulnerability of plants through proper pruning technique.

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Into music: IMovie
Main music: Parkside by Dan Lebowitz

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pruning Fruit Trees to Prevent Disease

  1. I live in Sacramento as well. I’m a beginner in gardening. Could you please make videos letting people like me know what could be planted here each month. I struggle with this so much. While I know the popular summer stuff like tomatoes cucumbers peppers etc I want to experiment other things. It would be a big help. Thanks.

  2. Thank you, this was really helpful. I just planted an almond tree and a nectarine x plum and was debating whether to prune them yet (it's winter here in SE Australia). Some things I've read say to prune as soon as you plant, and others say to wait for spring to prevent disease. This was very convincing on the wait-til-spring side! Thanks!

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