In this video, I give my opinion on how growing your own food such as fruit and vegetables in the backyard or even a balcony can help in a pandemic.
The interview with Creator Generation mentioned in the video is:
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
I’m trying to grow more of my own food to minimize my trips to the grocery store.
I must say "bunghole" doesnt sound all that appealing to eat, Mark!! Hahaha
this guy sees through earths eyes and saw what was coming i swear
why is he saying "IF a pandemic" clearly COVID was already here, Australia started lockdown 18 March, less than a month after this….I know he probably filmed it a while before publishing but are you ganna aknowledge the elephant in room
Months later, he’s proven right.
Brilliant!!! Perfectly on point, yet irreverent & hilarious. Smart ideas!
Fast forward two months and we are all in isolation with a pandemic.
I do have lots of dehydrated/freeze-dried foods saved, but we also have a garden with all types of fresh foods and we keep adding to it. Our final goal is to also have a milk cow, some goats, a hog or two, chickens, and rabbits to round out our food. Do you have any experience with growing wheat for flour? My climate is much like yours hot and humid most the year with mild winters. So I love seeing what does well with your garden.
This video did not age well
I would absolutely love a video on how you go about prepping foods for different storage methods. I am a newer gardener and we have tomatoes stored in freezer each year and some green beans, but do not have much clue on the other ways to preserve or what that takes. Thanks
I am one of those that started a garden when the shelves were attacked.
Now, i am one of those able to provide to those that need.
My husband hunts/fishes and I tend the garden.
So now we are a more suffiecent community as a whole by exchanging ideas and seeds.
One more thinkg you must have is guns, or else all what food will be taken by random thieves.
watching this 4 months later i can safely say that you are a freaking visionary! creepy! i am putting the tickets on you
Were a millennial family (21 and 25) with a toddler living in a city and as soon as this pandemic happened we stocked up on flour rice sugar and salt. 4 months later and we've successfully and unsuccessfully grown and harvested different things in a backyard garden. Were moving to a larger space now, starting a larger garden and even have laying hens. This pandemic has really kicked up my desire to become a little more self sufficient! Love your content as always.
This guy is Funny Funny Funny
Post video a week later the world closes down.
Thank you very much. For info and everything you do . Keep going . All the best .
How is rice self sustainable if you can’t grow your own?
This aged well, lol
The pandemic is a lie my friend.
But owning a garden is very good against governments.
When the koala killing librarian opens up AfGladistan, Delta is going to overwhelm the healthcare system
"Let's hope we don't get hit by a major pandemic" ._.
you made this a month before covid, that wink at the end lol