March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Make a Wooden Raised Bed Edges 10 X Stronger Hack Backyard Gardening.

Make a Wooden Raised Bed Edges 10 X Stronger Hack Backyard Gardening.
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Make a Wooden Raised Bed Edges 10 X Stronger Hack Backyard Gardening.

  1. Good tip. The only thing I would suggest is to pre drill the first board with a 3/16" drill bit. That prevents the first board from splitting and also prevents the threads of the screw from grabbing the first board and pushing it away from the second board. The threads only need to grab the second board. the fender washer is a good one!

  2. Good tips! But at 3:54 you can see where the top screw did split the wood. Pre-drilling just the one board makes it easier to drive and it will go straight. Also, you'll get a tighter joint. <><

  3. Beds made of cattle panels lined with hardware cloth are the best raised beds, bar none – that's including cost and ease of construction. The galvanized steel will outlast all of us. ANY wood you get from the hardware store or lumber yard that stays in constant contact with moist ground WILL rot away, no matter what species, how its treated or what you paint it with, it is just a matter of whether it falls apart and has to be rebuilt in two years or five. Yes, that includes pressure treated wood, deck facing etc… the stuff nowadays is vastly overpriced garbage and the stuff from twenty years ago is too toxic to use even if you could get it.
    Y'all keep re-making your beds every couple years, your local lumber salesman thanks you for it. I'll never make one out of lumber again.

  4. if you have an interior 2by2 in each corner and screw face wood to face wood it would probably hold better, but I'm overcomplicating it. I like your method more especially given it lasts the lifetime of the bed. If you're worried about cracking the wood, could always drill pilot holes. thank you!

  5. Kicking myself! Wish I would have seen your informative video sooner. I built my 16' bed last weekend using these hex screws with washers built onto them (the name escapes me). I spent SO much money on them. I do have more raised beds planned for the future, so I guess I'll chalk this up to (expensive) lesson learned! Thank you for this video.

  6. Hi Mark, hope you're well. Question for you… I want to add a few inches of soil and compost to one of my raised beds. However, I currently have my fall covers growing in the bed. Should I chop and drop, and then add soil? Perhaps chop, remove residue, add soil, then apply the residue on top? Not chop, just add soil? So many options!! What are your thoughts? Thanks buddy. Be well!

  7. I have been building Raised Beds now for years now and i have always pre drilled my holes even when using screws like you have, if you look at the close up of the top screw you have in fact split the wood, if that split was there before then you have just made it worse, if you pre drilled the wood that split wouldn't have happened.
    Personally that washer is too big as well, other than those two points it was a good explained video.
    Stay Safe,
    Barry (ENG)

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