March 12, 2025

VIDEO: Regrow Onions From Another Onion…Need Proof? – Vlog Part 1 of 5

Regrow New Onions From Another Onion? Well, let’s find out. In this video, we revisit the experiment from last summer where we sliced off the root end of a regular yellow onion, suspended it in water until it rooted, then planted it. Apparently that wasn’t good enough and the naysayers said that a true onion will never form again from that sliced end.

Well, ok then. Let’s find out.

Entire Onion Regrow Vlog Series

Part 1: You are already here
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: Coming after part 3.
Part 5: Proof is in the pudding!

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Onions, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, whatever up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener’s NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Regrow Onions From Another Onion…Need Proof? – Vlog Part 1 of 5

  1. I watched the video on growing onions from the roots you posted last year and then saw you had an update this year where you planted more roots again. Did you get a true onion to grow from the roots last year or did you just get green sprouts coming out of it?

  2. This video was really helpful…. I'm glad that there's someone out there who's willing to give us amazing tutorials on how to grow seeds and other stuff. I tried it and I'm really getting results from my onion scraps. I just hope the third video comes out soon because I really hope I'm not too late to split the onion scraps

  3. I'm trying this with Spanish and leeks. Starting Oct 22/2020.
    I had an indoor garden experiment in 2012, it worked great, but have not done since. Cheers.

  4. Thank you, it's a very useful tip! I don't know if you know about another useful thing with regard to onions, which I discovered by accident. That is to make a potent, very nutritious liquid plant feed from the water that you used to rinse an onion with.

    During a time of severe water restrictions my family and I began to collect waste water to use it for the garden. We put a small plastic tub in the sink and transferred water from that into plastic buckets. We also rinsed onions under the tap before chopping it up. In this way the little bit of moisture at the cut ends ("onion juice") ended up in the buckets, mixed with the water we used to rinse the onions. After a while we noticed that if the water in the buckets were left to stand for a while, it became more and more smelly.

    Natural sciences are not my strong suit, but somewhere I read that fresh onion tends to attract microbes or bacteria from the surrounding environment. It certainly seems that something mysterious happened when we left water that had even a little bit of onion juice in it standing overnight. The water became more and more smelly and cloudy, and plants thrived on it, they were so clearly revitalized.

    Since then we've been using it regularly, since we eat onions with practically every meal. At the moment we are considering utilizing it on a larger scale so that more plants could benefit.

    It helps that we've never cleaned the buckets — it creates the ideal "breeding" environment for the onion water microbes. The smellier the water becomes, the more nutritious it seems to be.

    It's no use dropping actual onion pieces into the bucket — that just creates a particularly revolting smell without noticeably affecting the water it is floating in. It's the juice (even just a tiny bit of it) that is able to turn the entire bucketful of water into potent liquid plant feed.

    Wishing you all the best!!

  5. I can vouch for it! It does work. I got 6 small onions from an onion bottom. Also some went to seed and now I have seeds for next spring. Well worth saving your onion and garlic bottoms just for the seeds and sets alone.

  6. cutting onions off at the three quarter point make them turn into four onions and then sixteen onion and after that is just gets to big. it would be a big show man. please try it and remember all you have to do it top them and then add compost to the row around it.

  7. I've been trying to regrow my onion using this method. Unfortunately, it always fail. The root grew a little, and then ultimately stop, while the onion itself start to dry out. The root is brown in color. Does anyone know what's going on? How do you prevent (and fix) it from happening? Thanks in advance

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