February 25, 2025

VIDEO: The Greatest Opportunity for Farmers is RIGHT NOW!

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music commonly used on this channel:

Sweeps – www.soundcloud.com/sweepsbeats
Biocratic – http://birocratic.com
The Muse Maker – https://soundcloud.com/themusemaker
David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Greatest Opportunity for Farmers is RIGHT NOW!

  1. I’m a founding member of From the field and you should talk about how to convert a lawn or field into beds in a short period of time WITHOUT purchasing compost. Every compost supplier in my area is closed.

  2. Some great concepts discussed here Curtis, Thank-You for the useful information. One question came about while I listened to your business plan was, what about the people who are losing the majority of their income due to the Covid-19 threat and cannot afford the $500-$700 monthly CSA cost? I work full time and own a small farm in New Hampshire and have shied away from CSA's because many of my fellow farmers have found that people are too demanding and get agitated if they don't get their weekly package on time or have to wait for the first crop to be ready for delivery. Do you think their will be enough people to support the CSA model? Also do you think only the wealthy will be able to afford the CSA cost?

  3. I have been working on this for almost a year. I started my last business at the worst time in 2009 and it didnt fail. However it didnt produce enough either. I was selling products that people dont absolutely need. Im glad I discontinued it in December! Food is King, always will be! The Slowfood movement has been red hot, you are about to see it go nuts! We made an offer on land in February without any consideration to this pandemic. Closing is hung up due to State Emergency declaration, but "the plan" moves forward, even more enthusiastically than before!

  4. People are too busy chasing economic growth when they should be chasing nutritional growth naturally, and stop buying "storeganic" food and gardening mediums. Make your own compost and plant food. What you put in your food stays there.

  5. I think its gonna be crash after crash that happens. inflation and depression is coming. Increase in production is fine, I do believe people should maximize the land and improve upon their lands…. but depression is almost unavoidable at this point. its a cold… that destroyed the economy. Anyways anyone with a yard should be able to maximize their yards potential. I am split on debating on chickens+ garden vs just chickens or garden / raised beds at this point with micros and hydroponics in the garage.

  6. dude you are the most red pilled youtuber there is. you have my brain. i dont believe anything the mainstream media says either. they hire actors and basically make skits on the camera.

  7. It was good timing for us. Last year, we found it worked out really well for home delivery into our community. This year we were planning to do it again this year…and who knew? We have a small membership, so we can customize like crazy, and farm gate to front porch.

  8. Sad as it is I find it exciting because it's like a test of my preparedness. I LOVE people are suddenly growing their food. Even my niece put in a raised bed and built a coop!!!

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