September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Starting Pepper Seeds Indoors Part 2 of 3

Start Your Pepper Seeds Now To Get A Head Start On Spring! Part 2 of a 3 part video series! Peppers are one of the most popular garden crops of all time. They are easy to grow, transplant well, come in a zillion different varieties, and are delicious. Everyone loves growing Peppers!

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere however, your growing season is finite, and often too short to properly ripen Peppers that are directly seeded into the garden. Starter Pepper plants are expensive, so you need a plan! The plan is simple, start your own Pepper seeds indoors, now during the winter, to get a head start on spring planting!

In this video, Part 2 of the series, I show you from start to take those germinated seedlings and move them along to the next stage of growth, at scale, so that you can be ready for spring, and have as many Pepper starter plants as your garden can handle. The method works for any variety, and the strategies mentioned here are useful to beginners and veteran green thumbs alike!

Pepper Plant Seeding and Planting Series:

Part 1:
Part 2: You Are Here!
Part 3:

Link to the Ultimate DIY Potting Mix:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Peppers up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible!

Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener’s NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Starting Pepper Seeds Indoors Part 2 of 3

  1. I've never tried growing peppers from seed. I always just got plants. One year, I saw a plant that had a tag which indicated it was a sweet banana pepper. It showed a pepper that was elongated and yellow. I thought that since it was a sweet pepper it would not have the same bite that a jalapeno pepper would have. But, it ended up tasting like a jalapeno pepper instead of a sweet pepper. I have never tried this kind of pepper again. Is it normal for sweet peppers to have a bite to them; or, could the plant I purchased been mislabled?

  2. My peppers should be ready for transplant next weekend.
    Careful: Those pots are actually 3.5", not 4". The trays are 10" x 20" . A have a few actual 4" pots and can only fit 2 rows of 5 pots per tray. to get 18 you need 3.5"

  3. Hey Alexandria, outside of tropical fruit, you can basically grow anything in Southern Ontario! Its best to grow from starters for the warm weather crops like peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants….but others like lettuce, carrots, beets, spinach, kale, etc you can most definitely plant seeds now all the way until May in Toronto. Cheers, best of luck!!!

  4. Link to the Ultimate DIY Potting Mix:

    If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Peppers up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible!

    Affiliate links below:

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon U.K.:

    The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener's NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon U.K.:

  5. This is a great video! May I offer only as a constructive suggestion. If you would lessen the inflection in your voice at the end of each sentence I think it would be more agreeable.
    Upward Inflection:
    Upward inflection is a feature in some English language variants in which sentences end with a rising intonation as if the sentence is a question. The rising intonation can occur one or more syllables after the last accented syllable toward the end of the sentence.

  6. Thanks for amazing videos, very informative and full of great ideas and guidance. I really enjoy watching your videos, all the best and keep up the good work

  7. I'm wanting to start hardening off my plants but I'm having major issues with gnat infestation and root mites. I can't get rid of them and they are destroying my yard. How can I kill these bugs and prevent infestation? I've tried peroxide + water, fungicide 3 spray, cinnamon. Nothing has worked

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