Buy a loquat tree to grow at home: There are few fruit trees more slept on than the humble loquat, or Eriobotrya japonica. It’s commonly grown as a landscaping plant here in my home town of San Diego (Zone 10b), but it can be cultivated from zones 7-10 as a fruit tree, and below that as an ornamental.
There are a ton of loquat benefits, but I love growing them simply to eat – they taste like a tropical peach and are even better when dehydrated and mixed into a trail mix. You can also turn them into jams, honey syrups, and more.
This video is sponsored by Fast Growing Trees, who ship incredible loquat trees nationwide.
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Considering saving all of my loquat seeds from this year's harvest and selling them on my shop – thoughts?
Can you ship some to Tennessee? Im from California and I'm missing these fruit.
I’ll get one, & I’ll keep it in a container.
THANK YOU. I just figured out that the massive 25' tree in my yard is a loquat tree. This is very helpful.
Very good for tea , even with fresh leaves , anti cancer .
I like to flash freeze mine and I use them in smoothies
I get 4-6 seeds in mine here in Florida a lot.
you seriously just called that tree they sent you for free a nice healthy plant! Looks like rust all over it. Todays world is a marketing nightmare talk good just because they sponsor you. what happen to honesty and integrity in this world. I bought 4 plants from them dropped almost 4 bills and only one was nice two on the verge of death and one did die. I babied and nursed two back to health. You can get better quality from walmart. Problem is when a company uses internet to sell plants and trees and ship across the country they really need to arrive as fast as possible and not sit in a dark box being thrown around 20 times in 5 days in the dark. 50.00 tree and 40.00 shipping for two day don't work for a quality live product. They did stand behind the dead one and then they did send me a tree with more than two puny wilted leaves like first one they sent. Come stay with me for a week on 300 acres and I will show you real growing means like my grandpa showed my dad and dad showed me. but must say you have marketing skills 1.3m subs and sponsor's too. so I guess mission accomplished huh
I discovered just a few weeks ago that I had a fruit bearing tree in my back yard. We have a landscaping company that does a fall cleanup for us and they have cart blanche on what to put in. They must have needed to replace something that was struggling and used a loquat tree. I thought we just had a nice looking ‘shrub’. This is a really nice surprise.
Can you air layer a Loquat tree to propagate?
I just got one four and half feet for twenty-four dollars. I remember eating the fruit when I was young, And where I go walking I saw a big Loquat tree with fruit all over it. And I had to get one.
my loquts have 4 seeds
My Loquat is dying. Dry crunchy leaves. inconsistent watering, but at least once a week. In partial sun. Well drained pot.
Why isn't my Loquat tree not blooming? It is about 7 years old and growing great but not blooming.
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What kind of planter boxes you have and where do you get them? thank you.
Loquat jelly is delicious!
I just got a big Jim loquat tree. It came in a pot. My tree is about 3 feet tall. I don’t want to put it in the ground yet because I may be moving. So how long can I keep it in the pot? How often do I water it? I live in the San Bernardino area of California. My apartment faces north but I have sun of course from the rising to the setting. My tree isn’t in full sun. I am new to this. I have wanted a loquat tree all my life but never stayed anywhere long enough to plant it in the ground. So how long in the pot and how many times a week to I water it and also should I move it to more sunny time of day since it’s sitting in partial shade. BTW LOVE YOUR CHANNEL. Subscribed
Can I bay one. Form you. I. Want one. Plesse.
That’s kind. So much….
I moved into a rental and it has a massive loquat tree in the backyard ! It’s ridiculously large we weren’t even sure what it was untill it flowered and grew fruit
You can also make a tea or cough syrup with the leaves. Good for sore throat
I "harvested" a few loquats from a tree in the L.A. area (they're all over), that was hanging over the sidewalk. Really tasty. I planted the seeds and now, a few months later, I have about a dozen, 6-10" loquat seedlings in pots. I'm going to plant a few in the ground now and keep the rest in pots outside until spring. I hope I will not be an old man before they bear fruit. Any suggestions?
I have that tree it's big monster.
I remember comming out of kindergarten and on my way home i stole from my uncle’s tree and as soon as he came out all the kids ran everywhere and I just stood there knowing that we’re family and had no problem with me being in his property.
We shoot trespassers here before they steal. Keep 'em honest.
Hi! I have a whitish fuzz on the tops of my leaves, any advice?