March 27, 2025

VIDEO: NATURE Still Working | Time to Plant Soon | Backyard 2020 Gardening 101.

NATURE Still Working | Time to Plant Soon | Backyard 2020 Gardening 101.
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: NATURE Still Working | Time to Plant Soon | Backyard 2020 Gardening 101.

  1. These kind of videos are super important at the moment, a great time to get more people involved with gardening and nature. This is a very informative video and an important one too, thank you for sharing! We have just released a Nature & Climate documentary too, keep up the love and fight for nature!! Subscribed!

  2. French Shallots … ooh, even the name sounds inviting! I'll have to look into those (plant in fall, correct?) And the purple all across the field is BEAUTIFUL! And if I lived near you I would certainly pay you to do some self-pick flowers!

  3. Hi Mark. I'm in NJ too. Our state is getting hit pretty hard, but we'll pull through. Remember, one thing we humans need is FOOD. I'm sure you'll think of some creative ways to sell all of your delicious, nutrient dense produce. Stay positive my friend. In the meantime, make some more videos! We always enjoy learning from you!

  4. Harvesting Swiss chard, beets, kale and peppers now, artichokes should be ready for the first harvest in mid April. I will add blood/bone meal, homemade compost and green sand to the soil before planting our summer crops in a few more weeks. Rooting some fig and Persian mulberry cuttings to hopefully plant in October. Arizona is just amazing for growing crops and fruit trees but I'm still learning the ropes out here after living in NY for many years. Stay safe, be well and thank you for another informative video.

  5. Hi I am in NJ !. I was thinking to pull them because I read they spread fast. Initially I really like how they look. I like your idea about to feed the bees and later add to the compost.

  6. Looking forward to more info on the purple dead nettle. I've been letting it expand in my garden as well. I figure a plant that tough and vigorous should make for good compost and teas.

  7. I am using Veronica Persica in my garden because it has a lot of fine roots that breaks hard soil, it spreads a lot rooting everywhere and in the summer it dies so it leaves a lot of space for my vegetables. It not as good as Dead Nettle for bees, but it seems to be good for soil. Can you point me to a video that shows the soil benefits of using purple dead nettle?

  8. We have to keep going Mark regardless> Got the virus it was terrible and scary for 3 days then It lasted for another 3 days I am now free of it and in self isolation.
    I have peas in the garden, peppers, tomato plants and chard in the green house. Hope your bees find plenty of flowers as it is spring at the moment it has come a bit early. Thanks for the video.

  9. So if you network with local food delivery, you could possibly sell cut flowers with a "farm to table" box delivery. You have Easter coming up and potentially Mothers day (depending on the flowering). Contact local floral delivery services & see if they need flowers.

  10. when and if you go out to the grocery store, in the concession stand area where they would normally have you sit down when you buy something from the deli, there should be pockets of sugar. That is an idea take you a small handful don't be greedy in 05 6 packets. The other thing is if you go through a drive-through and order some coffee or unsweetened tea you can always ask for extra sugar tell him that you want about six packets. Just an idea it may not be a whole lot of sugar but that's a start

  11. Damn, now I feel bad about turning over a bunch of purple dead nettle. Didn't even think of using it as a cover crop. Going to have to adjust my perspective a little

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