June 8, 2024


It’s been over two months since we went up to the plot. It’s time to see how overgrown the beds are and if the pests have caused any damage. Also we make a start on digging the beds and preparing them for the coming season. A tidy plot is so much easier to maintain.

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Here’s another video that I think you would enjoy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrgtMw8idrQ

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#diggingtheplot #soilpreparation #weeding

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: THE BIG DIG AND TIDY UP

  1. 1:35 OMG man, you touch the gate then you touch your face… who knows who touched that gate before and if the person was spreading the virus or whatever, be more careful in times like this, we wanna see a lot more videos from you! 😀

  2. Hi Adam, when I read the notification of this video I thought, Big Dig! (pause) Big Dig? I ask yer Then I heard the reversing warning bleeps. OMG they have gotchad Adam as well. But all was revealed just new allotments. Phew. You want to see what THEY have done to my plot. I am in the shed. Not self isolating no. Weeping. Great video by the way can see you have not lost your touch. Take care Mike

  3. Awesome footage. Thank you. Now the hard work is almost is done, it'll be time to get some seeds in. Wow, those daffodils are looking blooming gorgeous, yellow heads bobbing in the sun. Question is: how on earth are you going to rid yourself of those rabbits hiding beneath your shed?

  4. Eh up mate good to see your back on the plot. You got her done mate all that digging is good for you 😉 Rabbits are a great source of protein. Yep thats a wabbit run for sure. We had rabbit stew last week. I would be eating more rabbit if I had you plot.. Dont see them here. I have seen the odd hare but no rabbits. Fingers crossed you trapped them on the other side of the fence.

  5. Good to hear you can still go to the plot. I think they may become very important in the near future. Job well done Adam. We are under a burn ban in out state to help the air quality. Stay safe. Best wishes Bob.

  6. Yes, buds on the trees are a sure sign of spring. So glad to see they are creating more plots, and not taking them away. I am sure we are all going to need to grow more this year. I'd say that's a rabbit run for sure. Be safe, and stay well. Catherine (I agree, stay away from the news)

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