March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Lockdown: Gardening Through the Coronavirus Crisis

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Are you self-isolating or in lockdown because of COVID-19? Join the club! But with the right mindset – and our gardens – we’ll get through this.

This enforced time at home is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your garden.

In this short video we’ll share some ideas that will help you and your garden shine during these challenging times.

Visit the Dig for Victory site ( for ideas, resources and discussion on how to make the most of your garden while isolated.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here:

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Lockdown: Gardening Through the Coronavirus Crisis

  1. What can I spray on a peach and pear tree to ward off aphids! They are awful this year. I had sprayed rubbing alcohol before the fruit appeared but I’m not sure if that’s okay near fruit?

  2. Hi! Question: can I direct sow cold weather crops like kale, radishes, spinach, lettuce, etc. now? Even though it may snow like it is tomorrow!
    I’m in Chicago zone 5b/6a & new to gardening! Thank you

  3. Your little girl looks such a bundle of fun! God bless and keep you all safe! I love watching your video's and I am trying my hand this year ant growing something edible from containers as only have a deck. So far have tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and spinach and lettuce prepared for planting out, I have used my conservatory like a greenhouse to get them started.

  4. I’m so happy your from the uk , I’ve got a small garden in my Terrace house and I don’t know where to start especially for our climate , I’m
    Going get your App subscription

  5. Keep it up, bro'. You're doping a great job. Your exuberant and ebullient approach is an inspiration while many of us are feeling a bit de-motivated by the cloud of Covid-19. Full marks!! You can get us going and positive. Keep 'em coming. – Best wishes and STAY SAFE. – Paul PS – 'Dig for Victory' is an inspired idea. 10/10.

  6. Great videos, due to lockdown and being unable to work , i've started gardening at the age of 51, can't believe how much i'm enjoying it. Currently preparing soil for planting potatoes, leeks , carrots and onions. picked up some good advice already on your videos. Thanks for sharing.

  7. im loving lockdown and being able to put a lot more effort into my victory garden which is cool as i suggested we do this before it became trendy maybe i started it lol probably not but I've been encouraging more people to plant food instead of having a lawn all lockdown and i cant wait to harvest the fruits and veg in my garden real soon ,and you're not ugly i think you're cute ,=^_^=

  8. Loved the vid. Hope that paramedics were on hand to unravel you from the Lotus position! Your 'ugly mug' by the way, is one of the most welcome faces on my PC with all the help you give us. Thanks. The Garden Planner is a great asset. It gives the opportunity to think – and re-think – and keep focussed. Wouldn't be without it. Every good wish to you and yours – stay safe and keep 'em coming. Paul

  9. I never really gardened until Covid-19 hit, and now I have the most beautiful garden and a fun new hobby 🙂 Silver lining much??

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