March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Organic Food in Containers

In this video, I show how to grow organic food in containers or pots.

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If you would like to purchase a sifter that was shown in the video you can receive 15% off by using code DTFXUJWA2F43 go to (use code at checkout). Contact Cheryl for questions about the rolling sifter or how to buy one here:

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Organic Food in Containers

  1. Speaking of pecans…. the last year I lived in Texas where I picked up bushels of them in my yard, I boxed them to bring to Colorado where I now live and pecans don't grow. I put some out for the squirrels who had never had pecans before. VERY happy squirrels!

  2. You're a great guy for putting the work into these videos. It must take so much time and I've learnt so much already. Thankyou so much and please keep up the amazing work!

  3. You talk about fertilizing your potted plants more often than your in ground plants, which begs the question – do you keep some kind of fertilization schedule? Or do you keep it simple? For example, fertilize everything in containers at the same time, every 3 weeks and fertilize everything in the ground at the same time every 6 weeks. Do you actually keep track, or just estimate when the proper time is?

  4. Gday Mark, im porbably bit late to the party on this (only just found your channel), was just wondering if there was a follow up video on this one ? How it started / How its going / and How they finshed up. Great channel Mark, soooo many vids to watch. Cheers Dane

  5. Good day Mark, Thank you for all your advice I've decided to start to grow my own food but in containers. All your clips have been really useful and I've learnt alot. Keep it going i like the tips and your doing great for your live streams too. From the uk

  6. Love your videos, I learned a lot! Started with gardening last spring, when lockdown was in place, and I'm loving it! Luckily, I have a yard, but since I live in the hills, the soil was pretty rough, a lots of clay! What I did was, I took the similar black container you used for tomatoes, and I went into woods, looking for old stumps! All around them, is pure humus, I just removed the leaves, ad packed the blackest soil I saw in my life! I made MANY trips, so I had enough for the whole garden! It worked great, the soil is now in between, not clay, but also not humus, and that's perfect, cause more clay-ish soil keep the water longer! And one more thing, I use a concretation of home-made fertilizer, I put nettle plant in the large container with water, and I left it there for 2 weeks.. The end result smells like hell, but I think that is a good sign 🙂 I don't use it pure, I mixed it with water before watering, and I don't water leaves with that

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