We’ve been out the past few days working in the garden. We’ve planted Contender and Provider green beans and our Silver Queen corn direct sow. We transplanted our straight neck yellow squash, National Pickling cucumbers, Siberian kale, and some mixed lettuces that we had started in flats. We mulched most of the garden and have it ready for spring!
VIDEO: Garden Update April 8, 2020
We’ve been out the past few days working in the garden. We’ve planted Contender and Provider green beans and our Silver Queen corn direct sow. We transplanted our straight neck yellow squash, National Pickling cucumbers, Siberian kale, and some mixed lettuces that we had started in flats. We mulched most of the garden and have it ready for spring!
Good morning Lea. Looks like you are getting the rain now I had last month. We are finally getting so dry that now I'm watering. Your garden is looking great already. Stay safe over there. Best wishes Bob.
You folks are like an old watch….consistent!! What a start to the year you have underway!!! You have one of the best gardens on YouTube. I love your point about the long wait to get tilling equipment in!! Stay safe friends:))
Awesome video, looking forward to watching your updates
Where do you get so much pine straw it look good
Prettiest Garden that I’ve seen in a long time what do you fertilize with ? Y’all do a good job
Thanks for that! To my mind a well tended vegetable garden is the prettiest garden of all!
Very nice setup. I have a planting day tomorrow
We are a bit behind you here in Switzerland.
All the best Dave
My first visit in a long while. Looks great, Lea. I like your corn sowing method. I am going to try it out. I have very similar soil. Rather than start my seeds deep, I am going to hill my corn up as they grow. Take care, folks. –brian
Good job! Really nice garden!
Wow looks great!
I have been watching your channel since last year. Your garden is beautiful. I was wondering what you do with all the produce. Do you sell at market or can/freeze it?
How far back do you start your seeds for planting ( months). Tryin to growy garden this year from seed all help appreciate d.
Looking good y'all are off to a great start Lea!! Hopeful this is the year of bountiful
harvesting for all!! Those cups have been a great investment indeed!! What's your favorite
use/ way to prepare swiss chard? Have a good'nnn
Happy Easter my friend.
Great video today
Thank you^^
What zone are you in?
Wow, it looks really soggy! Nice comprehensive garden update! You guys sure stay busy! The garden is looking really good, it looks like you will have a good harvest again this year! I like how you show us how the work is actually done. In the interest of honesty, I am not liking the multiple pop up ads, but I guess that is what is required to monetize your channel. Stay safe and healthy!!!
When do you plant your onions and carrots
Looks great
Do you pull up your plants or chop and drop. I have really enjoy your videos