We had our first major strawberry harvest of the season! Our strawberries and asparagus are doing well!
VIDEO: Strawberry and Asparagus Harvest 4 12 20
We had our first major strawberry harvest of the season! Our strawberries and asparagus are doing well!
Awesome video great harvest!
Oh I hope you and your garden were spared during those storms heard they got really bad
What a nice harvest for Easter Sunday, that sure beats a silly old Easter egg hunt! Our strawberry season usually begins in June.
Good morning Lea. That is a super harvest of asparagus and strawberries. Stay safe. Best wishes Bob.
Your strawberry plants are wonderful! Good harvest
Nice harvest of asparagus and strawberries there Lea!!
I hope they both producing even greater for the next harvests!!
Have a good'nnn
I've been WAITING for this one!! Your strawberries were the first video of yours I ever watched, and I've been anxious to see them again. Beautiful!!
A nice little batch of asparagus and strawberries for sure. This will be our third year for our small asparagus bed so we should be able to get some from that this year and we have five 4 x 8 beds of strawberries so we always get a lot of strawberries. Thanks for sharing.
Nice harvest! Those strawberry plants looked really healthy! Do I sense some angel food cake and whipped cream in your future????
New to your channel but I wonted to come and check you guys out I love stoybrrys verry good video hope your safe and well from me and us all in the uk I have hit your bell so wont miss a video