March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries in containers

I’ve never grown strawberries before so I decided to push the boat out and buy a strawberry plant. Any tips would be welcome, but for now I’ve simply potted it up and will wait to see how successful it is.
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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Strawberries in containers

  1. I pulled all my strawberries as they never did anything. Was going to buy some new plants……. Oh well I will still have no strawberries this year.. The feed tube is a gimmick but the water gets i to the sump and that it a good idea.


  2. I've been growing strawberries the past two years, not had much success as woodlice kept eating the fruit. hopefully you will have more success.

  3. Thats an awsome strawberry shame you cant name it You may be able to identify the fruit when it appears. For me strawberrys are the plant that pays the rent for the plot. They give produce at least three plants off runners per season and as long as you replace them after three years at least one punnet per plant at say a modest £2.00 a punnet Therefre next year 4 plants 3rd year 12 plants 4th year 36 plants take away 12 5th year 48 plants they dont need much attention except TLC keep them tidy when flowers appear give them a feed once a week and when they show signs of having been pollinated cover them with netting against birds. (I think Ximer below is malware} Take care Mike

  4. Well, regardless of the labels, it is definitely some strawberry. I bought a peach tree in Lidl 3 years ago, last year it started bearing plums… 😀 So yep, labels can be funny. 🙂

  5. Hello Adam Both labels might be right it looked to me like there were 2 plants in that pot. With that type of wicking pot you need to pack the soil firmly into the bottom divots to get a good capillary action and make sure the compost is moist throughout . I usually mix 50/50 compost and well rotted manure for strawberry's in baskets tubs etc .Tomato feed will help

  6. Great video Adam. Here in Central Florida Strawberries are grown at a large scale. A few videos ago you mentioned about me doing a video so I did one from this morning on my channel. Keep up the good work Adam as I watch all of your videos.

  7. N.E.S.A.R.A… All debts canceled? We are going to a gold backed currency. Now that is a good idea so I've ordered 6 ounces on three different credit cards Bullion by post. Gold due to rocket . Do Not take this as professional investment advice .

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