March 14, 2025

VIDEO: How to Start Growing Your Own Food | What to Focus on First

Whether you’re a beginner vegetable gardener or know someone how is just starting out, it is important that the right path is chosen. In this video I outline how to start growing food if you are new to vegetable gardening by knowing what to focus on first. Growing your own food is a fun process but it is vital you know how to best get started. Links mentioned:
Epic Gardening Channel:
Kevin’s 5 Fastest Vegetable Harvests Video:
My Pea Shoots Video:
My Growing Pea Pods Video:

Instagram: @huws_nursery

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Start Growing Your Own Food | What to Focus on First

  1. lovely video Huw, I totally agree that a small success with growing and then eating your own food can get you hooked! I am now enthralled! Trying to grow veg all year round for the first time!

  2. Not strictly about veg but I am new to this and I have a question about composting
    I no sawdust/woodshavings are a good carbon source but what about used woodshavings from pet bedding? obviously its been used so most of its not dry do you think this would be suitable to add? thanks for any responses

  3. I have noticed in past videos, but thought I'd let you know the moss that grows on your raised bed boards is delightful. It speaks of continuity in your endeavors and feels peaceful.

  4. Here in N FL it is already way too hot to plant green peas outside, we've already had quite a few days in the 90s. But I bet I could do the pea shoots inside where it's cooler, so I just ordered a large organic bag off of Amazon. They sound delicious, wish me luck!

  5. Wow. I started with epic gardening shady vid. Watched for a second time now i found a shady bed to use. Looked for more shady plants and found you. Thanks for the list. Epic you need to list them like Huw. Cool thanks guys. You both rock

  6. The coming economic crisis is what brings me here. I hope its not going to get as bad but then we will have free food so. Yeah.

    Great video!

  7. Thank you Huw for another inspiring video. I ' m a beginning gardener, presently constructing my raised beds. I have a question. Do a see it right that your raised beds are based on a slope? They seem not to be levelled. Is that correct, is that a problem?

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