March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Bees ALIVE in Hive | Beekeeping 101

Bees ALIVE in Hive | Beekeeping 101
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16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bees ALIVE in Hive | Beekeeping 101

  1. Glad your hives are settling in. Keep an eye on the weaker hive, they should rebound soon. In time you may need to put your sugar water away from the hive entrance in a straight line. That will encourage them to feed away from the hive. Are your fruit trees finished blooming? Remember they'll travel up to 3 miles for nectar and pollen, but usually hang close to their hive. Congratulations on your hives. God bless

  2. man you seem so chill I remember what you said about your son and stuff sometimes people who are hit the harshest are the most chill I find shoutouts to you man! nice videos go vegan

  3. So glad you are starting with bees. Do they have some shade in case it gets really hot? There are several channels I watch with bees, James Crouch usually has a livestream going, EmmyMadeIn Japan does a cooking/review channel but has another channel for beekeeping, Oppenheimer Ranch Project does some videos about bees. There are more. probably better channels only about bees but I can't remember at the moment

  4. Mark – you might want to look into the feeders that hang on the inside of the hive like the frames. Italians have a reputation for robbing – and not being good at defending themselves. Those feeders on the front of the hives can sometimes make robbing more of a problem. Congratulations! Enjoy!

  5. Signs of robbing are noisy bees, hanging around the front of the hives, flying in place like helicopters – if you suspect robbing you can dust the bees with powdered sugar in a piece of cheesecloth and go to the other hive and see if any of those dusted bees start going into the other hive. Then spray down the powdered sugar with water so it doesn't attract more bees. They really are fascinating!

  6. Mark, really like the bee's, good luck with them. What purpose does purple dead nettle serve? Thank you once again sharing your knowledge with all of us, and blessings on you and your family .

  7. Thanks for the video I am amazed they survived the transportation, so it was best to keep them in until the bad weather had passed.
    They are going to love their new home.

  8. Hey! Glad to see spring is coming to y'all up north. I recently planted some rye as a cover crop and realized that it rooted completely in the woodchips and never actually made it to the soil. It seems to be surviving off of the worm poop and whatever nutrients it can find throughout the chips, but was wondering what kind of soil biology the rye's exudates would introduce and what effect they would have on the decomposition and nutrient cycling process. Have you ever had experience with stuff growing in straight mulch? I wish I had a microscope like you do to investigate the microbes further and see if there's possibly some mycorrhizae forming, which would be miraculous. I uploaded a video of the roots growing in the woodchips in my latest video at the 6 minute mark if you're interested. As always, thanks for uploading and sharing wonderful knowledge 🙂

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