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Do you add new soil or compost every growing season? And how much approximately
I can officially say that this is the easiest raised garden bed to put together. Had our soil delivered today and just about finished with planting. Always wanted raised beds but hubby and I could NEVER agree on how to do the raised beds. Seen this video and wa la problem solved. Love your channel and all that you share with us. It is safe to say your channel is my favorite.
First, congratulations on your awesome appearance in the new and cool Google ad! It was such a great surprise seeing y’all when watching late night television this past week! Thanks for doing this new video, it is so very helpful. We are going to also work w/ the trellising ideas between the two that we started with, which are 4’ x 8’. I have been inspired by your great videos, and now this new one is very interesting. Cedar was looking way too expensive when material hunting a month ago so we started this first round using non-treated plain wood,(though we know it won’t last past one or two years). I cannot wait to show this to my husband, interesting, and maybe can do this next! Piedmont/RTP, N. C.
Even having building knowledge I think this is such a great idea, and I’ll probably end up doing this in my garden!
We live close to a bigger city that has large recycling centers. Each center sells compost for $20 a cubic yard. We can fill up a pickup truck for around $50 bucks. We have a few raised beds and realized rather quickly at filling them with bagged soil from a box store was not something we could afford. We can afford $50 a truckload though. I have a gardener friend in Iowa, and their recycling center gives away their compost for free. If you live close to a city that picks up lawn garbage and such, they may be composting it instead of putting it in a landfill. Love your channel! It's nice to know someone loves tomatoes as much as I do!
As soon as a viewed this video I was inspired to do this. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! As of today I am happy to report i was able to add two raised beds each 11X2; 2 blocks high. I have wanted a little garden space for some time and didn’t really have the means to do so. I just finished them today and I’m so excited to go get plants now.
omgggg im doing this!!!!!
We built ours using 2 x 12 x 10 and built them 24 inches high. Put rebar in the corners and they started bowing out within 24 hours.
Thank you so much for this video. I don't have the tools or know how to make the frames.. this is an awesome way that is doable for me.
I just got my plot at our community garden and was looking for alternative ideas as well as how to fill them. I love how you go into all the details in your videos. For a beginner like me, it's exactly where I need help. Thanks also for ideas to keep costs down.
I love that you and Miah have the hearts of teachers. It makes a difference!
I saw these too and thought they were cool! I also thought of the idea of laying windows across the top of them to make a cold frame.
What do you do if your yard is on a slope?
I am so glad you do these videos
I have no luck finding cedar 2xanythings! Where have you all been able to find them?
Where are you getting your soil in bulk at? I'm just a few miles down the road from you and been looking for a supplier of bulk compost and super soil.
Oh my goodness, this is a lifesaver!!! Thank you so much! I love that I can take this with me if I have to move or even move it in my yard AND I can make it myself!!! WIN!!
Love your channel. Your spirituality really touches me and several times made me weep with joy. I especially was blessed by your video about being a good shepherd of the desires and talents that God has given you. I have also learned a lot from watching your how to videos. Thank you for all that you do! With the cement blocks you used, could you use galvanized steel instead of the cedar 2 x 4's ?
im planning on making a U shaped garden bed for my 2 year old almost 3 year old son. He loves gardening. I started it off with him during the beginning of this pandemic, to get him and my self to do something since we couldn't go to school(daycare) or work. The U shaped garden bed is going to be 6ftx6ft with a small fence around it to keep the dogs out. We laid leftover landscape rocks on the ground where we want the new garden bed to level everything out. Now we laid the old castle planter wall blocks on top, just waiting to get to the wood today so we can lay the landscape fabric on top of the landscape rocks.
Now I can make my own raised bed! Thanks for this video!!! Would u pls suggest something that I could put over or under the cardboard so gophers cannot go under my raised bed and create havoc?
I just built a cedar bed that’s 3×8 and a foot deep. I dumped all my soil from my (not super successful) containers from last year’s garden in, and then topped with new organic soil and black kow manure. My question is, (sooo hoping you say no) should I have put some sort of rocks or something in the bottom for drainage? It is in my custom built green house. So directly under the dirt is chicken wire, and then the black weed barrier and then the ground. Thoughts?
Finally! Just throw down cardboard! If u see this done with landscape fabric and or grass clearing….. remember THIS video and skip those pricey and time consuming steps! TSMFS!
Thank u! The answer to my problem!
I'm going to be doing one of these this week just bought my supplies. Cost about $400 and that doesn't include the soil. The cost of construction materials definitely have gone up since this video was made. Can't wait to see how this turns out looking forward to building it.
Can you use corrugated roofing in those blocks instead of lumber? Couldn't tell if the channel was wide enough or too wide.
What do I need to do to make one on cement.