March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Dragon Fruit | FULL INFORMATION

How to grow dragon fruit in pots | GROW DRAGON FRUIT IN CONTAINERS


Song: BraveLion – Sleeping Jungle (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Dragon Fruit | FULL INFORMATION

  1. I think you pulled your fruits much too early, from what I've heard its best to let the fruits become as big and colorful as possible, to the point where the hard part where the flower use to be starts to crack a little. Apparently that's how to get the most flavor out of the fruits

  2. What a beautiful plant! Thank you for the video.

    I wanted to tell anyone reading this something really important.
    One day we are all going to stand before God. If you have ever lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain (omg) which is called blasphemy , hated someone (which God consideres murder) or done other things that are against His law ( the Ten Commandments), He sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, murderer. He will judge us, and because we have all broken His law, we ALL deserve hell.

    But because He loves us, He became a human (Jesus Christ) about two thousand years ago, lived without sinning, and died a terrible death He didn’t deserve because of us. Three days later He rose from the dead and one day He is coming back.
    We all deserve the ultimate punishment (hell). But God loves us so much that He took the punishment on Himself.

    We broke Gods law, Jesus paid the fine.

    If you repent from your sins ( genuinely apologize for breaking His law and turn away from doing it anymore) and trust in Him and Him only, your punishment will be paid for, you will get eternal life in heaven, and you will no longer go to hell.

    I’m not telling you this to judge you. The thought of you going to hell terrifies me. I don’t want anyone to go without hearing this wonderful news.
    Thank you whoever took the time to read this.

    If you have a Bible, I suggest you read the book of John. You can find many Bible apps on devices.

    I pray that you and everyone who reads this will think about this seriously. And I hope to see you in heaven.

    Go to for a video version of what I just talked about.
    Check out livingwaters YouTube channel and and also for a movie called Exit that deals with depression and suicide.

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