March 3, 2025

VIDEO: Victory Garden Conversation with Pat Battle and Lisa Soledad Almaraz

The workshop with John Henry Nelson is forthcoming and temporarily postponed. Look for it next week! In this video, Living Web Farms Director, Pat Battle and Multimedia Director and Radio show host Lisa Soledad Almaraz discuss the history and social implications of victory gardens and an array of topics related to that and reweaving the threads of our local food webs and resiliency in the garden both with growing food, as well as foraging foods and farming endangered medicinal and heritage plant varieties from ancient cultures. Explore some of the links from the talk:

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Victory Garden Conversation with Pat Battle and Lisa Soledad Almaraz

  1. Originally, (ww1), they were called war gardens, while the war was going on. After the war ended, there was still years of rationing & rebuilding. They were then called victory gardens, because we'd won & had to help feed the destroyed nations. (Eating our own grown foods so farmed food could be sent overseas).

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