March 23, 2025

VIDEO: NEW Gardens should ADD This | Nature's Inoculants | Backyard Gardening

NEW Gardens should ADD This | Nature’s Inoculants | Backyard Gardening
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16 thoughts on “VIDEO: NEW Gardens should ADD This | Nature's Inoculants | Backyard Gardening

  1. Thanks Mark! I learned something from one of Elaine Ingham's lecture. She said if you cut open the nodules and its oozing blood red, that legume is fixing nitrogen. She said you could let it dry a little and grind up in a mortar and pestle and add to your vermicomposting bin. Just thought that was interesting. Love your videos Mark! I love getting the education!!

  2. Great video Mark. I've been using this for years, just didn't know why or how. Been adding a little when planting seeds. Too much work, lately add dry inoculant to ziploc bag with seeds they hold some but not much on outside shell. Will do this idea, thanks for sharing!
    On another note. First year covering garden with chips. Went to our yard waste facility and couldn't believe what I saw. They take chips n leaves mix them and windrow in 10 foot by 300 foot piles. There many of these at different stages of decay. Went way back and got 5 year old chips which are almost completely broken down! What a treasure find that has always been one mile away.

  3. Hay Mark, Im planning on planting a 5 acre "pasture" with a multi-species, up to 8 or more, including legumes and some beans. how to i inoculate 50-100 lbs or seed. we will be using a grain drill. We are trying to build out pasture for or flock of sheep to graze and want to get the biology going after years of overgrazing.

  4. Just wanted to add – this inoculant you show is made with very fine peat as a base, so it can stick to the seed, and it works great that way. It's the best thing if you are planting a lot. But the local garden store sells one that is more granular, that you are supposed to SPRINKLE into the furrow under the peas. That kind won't stick if you do the wet-and-coat method. So just a reminder to read the directions 🙂

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