Pruning tomatoes is a topic of much debate – everyone seems to have their own method. This video looks at the two major types of tomatoes – determinate tomatoes and indeterminate tomatoes and the differences of pruning each. We also discuss the different parts of a tomato plant so you can look at your plant and actually know what’s going on in the mess of stems, leaves, and flowers.
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Any pruning methods you guys use that I didn't talk about? DROP EM BELOWWWW!
Why do you remove suckers below the first flower cluster for determinant tomato?
Thanks for the really clear tips! I didn't prune as I should have and mine got long and gangly, with very little fruit. Will work on doing better next year. I love the cloning!!
Something ate one of the main stems of my tomato plant and now it’s just a dead stub on the stem, what do I do?
Kevin have you ever been asked to grow vegetables from your country in a Southeast Asia
Why do you have holes in the leaves of the tomato plant??? Best year ever for my tomatoes, outside of Baltimore. But each year during early August, I have to severely prune my tomatoes. Learning that they are VINES, I have a second crop of tomatoes before the first frost. Now that's a jazzy tomato cage!!! I teepee mine with bamboo stakes, looks great and very inexpensive.
I had to cute one to the very bottom it was growing side ways and wasn't looking so good so I cut it and left a node that was growing on the bottom now it's the main stem and I have five other tomatoes from that one plant
LoL Suckers can create suckers… yes, yes they can
hahaha sorry
Great video, after you prune down to the number of leaders you want, let's say 3 leaders, , do you leave all of the suckers that grow on those 3 or prune some of them off?
May i ask is it safe to grow the tomato clone from the sucker that already have flower buds?
This is the best pruning video I've ever seen, after searching all season. Thank you so so much! I'm confident my next tomato plants are going to be 10 times better than this year.
I would be careful when it comes to pruning because you might screw up and decrease your fruit yield.
You are an awesome teacher
I have 4 stems that grew in a garden pot. About a foot tall now with green tomatoes now showing . beginning to fall over with the fruit. Should I remove 2 or 3 of the stems and repot them or let them grow together ?
I prune my indeterminate plants exactly like you but down to one leader. I then tie that leader to a single stake at about one foot intervals. Easier than the cage you showed or so I assume.
But I don't know what kind I have. I put them in home depot buckets they're about 3ft tall so maybe indeterminate? It doesn't seem bushy…some fruits, but I will at least snip the yellow leaves, I'll have to watch this 2x more, suckered are confusing!!
your tomato needs more sun looks a bit pale / yellow compared to mine which i left in the sun
just an observation
Totally helping for beginner ! Will definitely prune my indeterminate tomato plant , thanks
Recap,prune lower leaves,identify flower bud,then remove sucker below it,with sheer if big or manual, determinate tomatoes.
I'm working with a very compact growing space .
I have a really big bushy scraggly tomato plant that makes tones of cherry tomatoes over the year . The problem is my garden is tiny and the plant is very unattractive, crowding out other plants with scraggly bits. I sometimes wonder if it's capable to kinda… bonsai a tomato.
Love to learn the strategies..TQ bro 4 d information
Those large suckers that you cut off can be rooted in a glass of water. You'll get a new plant that will produce as good as the original. Free Plants! Oops, I just finished watching the video and see that you included this simple fact.
Thank you
Where did you get that tomato cage?
This is tricky. I'd leave the top two leaders and remove all the other suckers. Funny, that's the variety I just planted. Yeah, in a grow bag too. And at the end of the season, I Marie Antoinette too. Sounds like I'm finally doing OK.
What do I do if my indeterminate tomato plant just keeps growing taller and taller? It was 6’4” at least a couple minutes ago but I decided to prune off a piece on the top because the plant was beginning to snap slowly from the undistributed weight. Please give advice
I don't understand how to tell what is a sun leaf verses a sucker.
Good thing I've got six, accidentally topped one.