Plants turning yellow can be because of a variety of reasons. In this episode we will be talking about all of them and getting to the ROOT of the issue and talk about ways to fix it as well.
VIDEO: Reasons Your Plants are Turning Yellow + How to Fix It
Plants turning yellow can be because of a variety of reasons. In this episode we will be talking about all of them and getting to the ROOT of the issue and talk about ways to fix it as well.
June 27th, 2021 question…I do have a lot of unbroken down material in my new soil that was put in my raised beds this year and I am finding a lot of yellowing. You said to add potassium so it will balance what is being taken from the unbroken down matter and my plants. (How much and how often do I add the potassium?) Love your channel. So much good detailed information. Very helpful.
I thought it's only bcoz of lack of Nitrogen. ……. Too much clay can also cause yellowing of leaves , i. e it goes into survival mode
So I bought some compost from the Charleston county landfill, they compost yard waste and kitchen scraps from all the restaurants and schools and it seems as though it's a very good program? But I filled my beds with it and when I planted everything was stunted and turning yellow. The same plants that were put into my old planters took off running. When I tested the soil in both it seemed that the pH of the older soil was around 5:00 whereas the compost from the landfill was closer to 8:00 I put an acidifier and some peat moss into it which seems to have helped green them up and began to grow but are still not doing great? I added some more acidifier yesterday and curious as to what's going to happen any thoughts? I'm wondering if the compost was not finished and it is in fact just low on nitrogen I sure wish they had a simple electronic plug-in all-in-one tester for all the standard tests. Thank you for all of your information it is very much appreciated and this channel has been one of my go-to's. congratulations on the almost 1 million subscribers!
My raised beds has new soil, and I've seen no evidence of pests. My green pole beans have beautiful green growth and growing well. They've been planted since May 15th here in southern west Michigan. I have no blossoms, and the bottom leaves are turning yellow. We recently had alot of rain, and high temps. I've fertilized with fish emulsion and slow release organic vegetable fertilizer. Do I need to add a higher nitrogen fertilizer?
Love your videos and the explanations are incredible. Thanks for sharing so much information!
I always turn to you for everything gardening
You probably got a cal/mag deficiency. That’s the go to answer.
Hmmmm i fertilized like a month or two ago… and my papaya are turning yellow. I can’t figure it out
My plants turning yellow because the dam cat goes in it..
Thank you
Around November I scan the curbs for throw-away straw bales. Outstanding mulch.
Thank you for infos
A shot of baking Soda water or a little Epsom Salts in the water.
To much talking.
Can I foliar feed 911?
Is it safe to over water the plant if the heat index is 90 to 100 in my area because it is August and it's the most hottest days
I love how i have watched like 50+ of your videos over the past 2 years and just realized your name is Luke. You don't introduce yourself enough! You are totally a Luke!! Love your videos! My plants are definitely in the fruit is more important than leaf cycle.
EXCELLENT VIDEO AND INFORMATION!!! Thank you. You have such a clear, concise, and intelligent way to explain many things ( I have heard bits and pieces before), but you articulate everything in such an easy to comprehend and educate- without either oversimplifying it (that doesn't quite enlighten or offer much substance), nor without overcomplicating the discussion (with too much technical explanations that can be boring, unhelpful and too difficult to follow)!
You really hit home with this video for my question of why new transplants were showing yellowing leaves; I was questioning the location, and soil arrangements I set up. I will be more patient to see how things progress.
I would love to see a video explanation on homemade/DIY soil amendments that I could do if I cannot find or purchase things like fish emulsion, blood meal, compost tea, worm castings, etc. where I live in Italy.
Also, I would love a video explanation on 'what the differences are between compost bins one can find to purchase' verses what you need and 'how to build your own compost bin' , as well as how to compost properly.
I have seen how they are charging a fortune selling various compost bins, and I have heard contradicting information about how they are making them and advertising the process all wrong, complicating it, and charging a fortune for nothing!
I would be interested to hear your expertise and opinion on it!
Thank you again for the wealth of information you are putting out there, and I look forward to watching more of your videos!
Thank you, but I'm needing to know how exactly the specific deficiencies look, so I can ID which one it is.
I have woodchips in the bottom of one of my big pots , I think I just discovered what’s wrong with my tomato plant
You are my go to source for plant advice. Thanks.
Great video, thanks for the help on yellow leaves!! I can go fix my soil.
when i cut the leaves the stem starts to get yellow starting from the cutting point and it trail down to the whole stem and damages my plant
can not understand why…
Hi. I bought a mint plant from a grocery store recently. Unidentified. It was root-bound so I potted it. I used what I had on hand: homemade mature compost, Black Kow and peat moss. Them I watered it. It's been yellowing from the bottom up ever since. I'm growing it indoors under a grow light. I've never grown mint so I'm at a loss. Can I save it? I'm taking it outside as of today, during this warm December weather (zone 7b) to get some natural sun. Any ideas would be appreciated. It's only one plant but I wanted to put it in the ground in the spring and start a mint bed. Thank you for your video. You have excellent ideas. I just don't know which applies to my plant.
Re: my previous comment regarding yellowing mint. I forgot to tell you that I pinched the top two leaves of each stem after planting. Thanks.
My grevilleas had yellowing leaves, gave them iron chelates and it fixed the problem