May 28, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Live chat with Jess and Miah | Roots and Refuge

  1. Last year I did the egg in the hole under my purchaded tomato plants. One of my 6 six dogs dug them all up and I had to go buy more! Hollis and Nancy's Homestead puts fish in the hole under all theirs and lime to cover the scent. They have amazing results/produce.

  2. I crave fruity candy…Laffy Taffy, gummi worms or dark chocolate. Miah: I make butter pecan ice cream and strawberry cheesecake ice cream. Both are yummy!! I saute the pecans in butter and salt them. I use homemade strawberry freezer jam in the other. If I were close, I'd make them for you guys. I am in NC.

  3. Jess, I've been watching you for about two years on my Roku. Unable to commit. My daughter got me a tablet so I can . So .Hi I'm Becky, have to say I love your kids, and the little one is so amazing. He makes me smile, and in these times that's everything. You and your Family are inspiring. Lots of love .

  4. Hahahahaha! IMO, if I’m going to eat sugars you’ve got to go chocolate. Chocolate is my Achilles heel and if I’m going to be bad and eat sweets go premium. Oh yeah, there is also Rocky Road ice cream. Just sayin!

  5. I live close to Antique Rose Emporium. It is a beautiful garden with log cabins, a pond and flowers blooming everywhere! The originators of Antique Rose Emporium were rose rustlers, who "rescued" antique rose specimens from cemeteries and abandoned homesites!

  6. The egg under the tomato plants isn't worth the egg. You would be better off eating the egg and saving your eggshells over the year and grinding them up and spreading / digging the eggshells into the area that you intend on planting your tomatoes next year or continously using as a tomato bed. Tomato plants enjoy the CALCIUM that comes from the eggshells once they decompose, the NITROGEN value that tomatoes need can be (are most usually are) supplied by adding compost and or other fertilizers if used. DO NOT WASTE YOUR EGGS!!!

  7. ABOUT MOLES —- Moles do not eat plants, gophers eat plants but moles do not eat plants, infact moles can be very beneficial in aerating soil and MOLES EAT GRUBS and other bugs that live in the ground. If a yard has moles it's usually because it's damp and has lots of grubs or other little in ground bugs that they are after.

  8. Love watching you guys and learning more and more each time. I've gardened for on and off for about 5 years now. Just learned today 05/24/2020 that you could eat radish leaves. So yummy on our salad tonight.

  9. Try using plantain poltice on stings.
    Bruise leaves, place over sting. Change out every 15 minutes for a couple hours.
    This stuff is amazing!
    Plantain is a wild plant that I try to keep in my garden for medicinal purposes.

  10. As kids we use to get stung lots when playing they loved the clover. We were taught to pull out stinger and make mud and slap it on as it dries it pulls out the poison. If can get home you mix up some baking soda and water make a paste and it draws the poison out also.

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