March 18, 2025

VIDEO: What to Do Once You Receive Bare Root Plants in The Mail

Once you get plants in the mail, what is the next step? Bare root plants can seem daunting but they are really easy. In this episode, we will go through what 3 steps are needed to ensure success.

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to Do Once You Receive Bare Root Plants in The Mail

  1. I bought dormant strawberry plants from you…and received them a couple weeks ago. They were brown and sticky. They were not dormant, they were rotted and moldy. I haven't been able to reach you by phone or by leaving a text

  2. Quick question, I planted asparagus roots about 3-4 weeks ago. 7 out of 8 roots have already produced and are close to 12” tall. My last root hasn’t made any progress at all. Is there anything I could do? Or should I assume this root is dead?

  3. Sounds like you need to get your strawberries bare roots from a different supplier. The asparagus I got all 16 are already over 2 ft tall. Can’t wait till next year to harvest. I really like that your branching out from just seeds. Would be nice if you weren’t out of most your stuff most the time.

  4. I brought a bare root cherry tree almost 3 weeks ago and thought it was completely dead. I'm new to gardening. But I planted it anyway hoping I was wrong. Didn't soak the roots because I didn't know that's what I needed to do. Straight in the dirt and plenty of water. Turns out, I was wrong because 2 days ago I noticed it was sprouting out new growth. Now I'm wondering if had I did this would my tree have woken up sooner.

  5. I ordered your bare root June bearing strawberries, soaked them and planted them and some are blooming! I was surprised since they shouldn't fruit till next year but they arrived healthy and strong. All were viable and woke up beautifully after being planted in the ground. I've never planted strawberries before, so I did a little YouTube research and learned what a hillock was and away we went. I now have a strawberry hill that will hopefully produce some good pickings! I also did the unthinkable and direct sewed (zone 8b) some of your tomato seeds and they are coming up nicely! Great product! Thanks, Luke!

  6. Well Luke, I already wrote to your customer service department over two weeks ago (haven't heard back yet, but I know you guys have been super busy), but my Quinault strawberries did not make it despite my doing pretty much everything you suggested here (and I received them awhile ago before this video aired). The only thing I did differently was let the plants soak overnight, but I planted them straight away the following day and I did use Trifecta in the planting holes as well. A couple of the plants struggled to put out a few small leaves, but they dried up by the next day. I kept them all well watered and mulched. I persisted with them for over two weeks, and nothing. Seems odd that not a single plant made it, so I don't know what happened. Very disappointing.

  7. Well dang I wish I had seen this video a week and a half ago before I potted both of the Jewel raspberry bare roots I ordered from you. If I had clipped the top I would’ve seen it was a waste of time because they are indeed both dead. Maybe next year

  8. For someone who's renting in Metro Detriot and not allowed to plant my fruit trees in the ground what would suggest for over wintering potted fruit trees and strawberries?

  9. Thanks for that. Really helped me as an amateur gardener. Pleased you mentioned about frost as we are in a mild area but there is the chance of a few more cold nights.

  10. Hi, when can I plant echinacea roots and hollyhock roots in Zone 5B. Upstate NY. Our last frost date is 5/21 to 5/27.
    Can I plant them now and direct winter sow with a cloche?
    Thank you

  11. Hey so what if its too cold outside. I got raspberries and strawberries and they just came in, but its still chillie outside so I can't plant them for like a couple weeks what do i do

  12. Well after watering a stick for around a week i now have what looks like a plant lol, under a light in a pot for now.
    Thanks for the tips they really helped ✌

  13. I just received bare root strawberries. They seem much fresher than I was expecting. I don't know of that's a good or bad thing. Some of the green tips broke off during planting. Will they be ok?

  14. Oh my.. i planted my asparagus roots about an hr ago. I didn't soak them, they looked really dry, and I planted the crown about 6" deep. Should I dig them back out and redo??
    I heard asparagus dont like to be moved once it's in the ground? Thank you for the video!

  15. Hello.. I received my cherry tree in mail, but it had strays covering the roots. What should I do? I already planted it like that.. is there any way I can take it out again and do what ever I need to do and plant it again?

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