March 14, 2025

VIDEO: So Many CHICKENS (Who ordered the deluxe worm platter?) | VLOG

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: So Many CHICKENS (Who ordered the deluxe worm platter?) | VLOG

  1. Cottonwood create all those wonderful fluffballs. Thanks for all the great info about plants I'm doing some more peppers than usual and glad to know they like to be close. I have always used vinegar when cleaning greens

  2. WOW! You have some of the same chickens I have 25 Cuckoos several Legbars….several Americuanas…several French Black Copper Marans…. a pair of Welsummers and A pair of Barnvelders and a few other Heritage breeds…thanks was wondering what you had I love the Legbars although I'm not fond of hairdos however the little crest is so cute on them and they are a pretty chicken.

  3. Oh my gosh Jess! My land has a plethora of rocks too! You could try and put a shovel ANYWHERE on our property and run into a rock! UGH! So we have garden beds too. If we’re gonna dig, we use our backhoe.

  4. Oh Jess the only difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys! They are all just over grown little boys! I to love my DoTerra cleaner. I am sure your entire flock ordered the deluxe worm platter! Be blessed

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