March 23, 2025

VIDEO: No Worries | Can You Start Seedling of Tomatoes | Peppers | Eggplant this LATE.

No Worries | Can You Start Seedling of Tomatoes | Peppers | Eggplant this LATE.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: No Worries | Can You Start Seedling of Tomatoes | Peppers | Eggplant this LATE.

  1. It was minus 2 degrees Celsius a couple of nights ago I'm running out of space growing these Tomatoes indoor what the fuck? It's almost summer why is it so cold

  2. I'm in the same zone, but in Europe, and I've just lost some of my tomatoes to frost. I've already started some new ones and I've also spotted two volunteers, now you've told me no worries, my mood is getting better 🙂

  3. I think New Jersey tomatoes are famous up and down the east coast. I hear about them out west from people who have moved out here. We just had a frost on May 20, and not uncommon to have frost again the first week of September. Sounds like you can produce well into September and maybe beyond? I'll be interested to watch how your tomatoes progress!

  4. I am actually doing the same thing this year. I figure if the tomatoes come later this year it's fine I am just canning more of them for winter anyway. Peppers I am making roasted peppers that will also be canned.

  5. Hi Mark I use leaf mould mixed with law mowing for my seed, this year I mixed in some multi purpose compost. I have tried what you just did but had no success would like to see a follow up of this video, how ever your worm cast could be very rich in nutrient we all learn from one another. I have a lot of coir which is what you used. Thanks for the video.

  6. I have started my tomatoes in February indoors under a grow light they are about 18 inches tall. They will go out when there is no danger of frost. Here in the UK we have to start early because by mid July if we have rain we get very nasty blight. I have picked some volunteer seedling and planted them on as an experiment. Thanks again Mark love seeing what you do.

  7. Hello Mark just found your channel. I had terrible luck this past seed starting so called season. I have resorted to sowing most of my seeds outdoor hopefully it will work better than indoors. Thanks for showing your mix for seed starting. Will try this method. The store mixes just did not work for me.

  8. I've been thinking about this lately. And I'm very curious what the long term effects are with the overall size of the plant, health, harvest times, size and taste of fruit. I can't wait for the follow ups through summer. Thanks!!!

  9. So glad you're doing this video. Here in the Pacific Northwest we're having a chilly spring. My tomatoes and peppers are suffering. Next year I think I'll do as you're doing here and wait another month to put my seedlings out. As always, thanks for an excellent video.

  10. I have noticed that of our weather here in NJ, too. My tomatoes are still in their small pots in a plastic mini greenhouse.
    Thank you for all the good tips!

  11. I don't have a few mounds that I'm dealing with, but my entire 30 feet by 40 feet vegetable garden is covered with fire ants. So I'm looking for something that is natural that will eradicate the fire ants. I'm also dealing with grubs. What would you apply to your entire garden area if you were dealing with fire ants and grubs?

  12. We had a volunteer Cherry tomato plant show up in our cold compost bin a few weeks ago and I transplanted it into a pot on our patio. We've had a dozen cherry tomatoes already and they were delicious. Nothing's better than a free volunteer plant. Thanks for sharing another great video.

  13. Hi Mark,
    Interesting that the volunteer plants do amazing. So you use a potting soil to start. What if you used native soil from the beds you are eventually going to plant them out to? Keeping the bits of grass or peas in with the seedlings. Would the seedling gain a benefit with the symbiotic relationship of other living roots in the pot? Cheers,

  14. I always love your videos Mark. Another great job. Anytime I get questions from people on how to improve their soil, I refer them to your channel.
    I'd love to see more on how you make your worm castings or your sources if you purchase.

  15. Hi Mark, how are you mate? I was wondering about micorizhae? Because there is fungi in the wormcastings, there is no need for micorizhae? I hope I've been paying attention lol, love all your vids!! Thank you!!

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