March 25, 2025

VIDEO: My FIRST Backyard Garden MISTAKE in 2020

My FIRST Backyard Garden MISTAKE in 2020
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: My FIRST Backyard Garden MISTAKE in 2020

  1. I mean it in the nicest possible way when I say how much better I feel watching you make a mistake! lol. There's hope for me after all methinks! haha! Thank you for having the courage to share this error my friend. Much appreciated.

  2. Wife and I planted our potatoes and sugar snap peas in a box two days after watching your video and our sugar snaps are three feet tall and now blooming and potatoes are 12 inches tall

  3. my prediction is that those beans are going to be exceptionally strong and robust!…. just like us, plants tend to become stronger by overcoming obstacles…

  4. After you terminate that winter rye do you plan to plant into that field? It will be interesting to see how you plant through the root mat left behind.

  5. Thanks for sharing. I used your mulching technique and it works beautifully!! I took my boards off after a few days. My potatoes are sprouting too! Exciting times:)

  6. I did that with my carrots ..haha … and good that you are eating your weeds .. they always seem to do so much better than the garden … that's why I started learning which ones I could eat

  7. Yes Mark lambs quarter is delicious it has a nutty taste. A cousin plant of lambs quarter is called magentas preen also known as goose foot this is a delicious spinach that grows more than six feet tall. Beautiful colour those allium looks lovely against the green. thanks for the video.

  8. I love those type of alliums but they are expensive so I opt for smaller cheaper ones. Thanks for your video’s, I’m a new sub and I really enjoy them and learn a lot!! Btw, I have some fava beans and I thought they liked cooler weather and was gonna wait till fall to plant them…I’m in Maryland, so can I plant them now?

  9. Those alliums are so cool! I’m really glad you added that because I didn’t know that variety existed. They look like something from a Dr. Seuss book, I love them.

  10. We all have learning opportunities…
    Welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum.
    The sun is in a low cycle and this is a deep one.
    We will have strange weather for the next year for sure and possible only get back to some assemblance of normal after 2030.

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