June 9, 2024

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: My cat died

  1. I know how you feel. I lost my boyo last year. The thing was the husband knew he was dead and removed the body. He wouldn't have told me if I hadn't asked him if he had seen the cat. I miss the little boy, he was an outdoor most of the time cat, but he always checked on me every day. I do have the grandcat, she is nearly 10 now. She's not the same though. Hang on, it gets easier with time. Stay safe.

  2. Sorry to hear your cats passed away 7 does not seem a long life for a pet cat. When I lived with Mum & Dad we always had cats about usually abot 3 at a time. They were all adoptions. we did not do the adoptiing, they came from nowhere, thought this was a good place to live, started by eating the dogs dinner did not touch the other cats plates. Sorted out its own spot to settle down and stayed. no bother. Take care Mike

  3. Hello Adam, I have been a subscriber for a long time and always press "like" but never have commented before, but this terrible heartache you are going through hits so close to home for me. Your cat is like a clone of mine, they look identical except my cat is a female cat and is 15 years old. She looked sad and was not eating so I took her to the vet last week and was told she has Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). This is the worse disease for cats and is 95% fatal unless treated with a new therapy which has been clinically proven effective. The problem is that the US Food and Drug Administration is sitting on the application submitted since 2017. Without the FDA approval vets do not have access to this life saving drug. Desperate owners would buy it on the black market for thousands of dollars, the problem also is we do not know which reputable company to buy it from, these drug companies are from China! My vet says without this drug the best they can do is prolong my poor cat's life by 1 month or two with IVs and dialysis etc.. Another horrible problem currently is that in this time of Covid 19, you cannot go inside the vet building, you park outside and ring the reception then someone will come out and you have to relinquish the poor stressed-out pet to a total stranger, you stay in the car and wait for the vet's call from his/her exam room. You cannot be there to soothe your pet. This is bordering on the ridiculous in the name of "safety", and they call themselves Animal Hospitals yet the welfare of the animals is not really first priority. I refuse to let my cat manhandled by total strangers. I am keeping her in the comfort of her own home until the terrible time to say good-bye. All this long comment just to tell you I feel your pain because I am going through it myself.

  4. So sorry for your loss Adam. And thanks for sharing the pictures. They are never "just a pet" are they…. they are part of the family and we go about our lives talking to them as though they understand everything!! Take care mate.

  5. Poor Parsley, and poor you too Adam. I remember him upstaging you several times, the connection and fondness between the two of you was very apparent. He looks adorable in the video above, a very contented cat. I know from recent experience that a sudden ending is such an awful wrench, but I hope you can take comfort knowing he had seven very happy years in the world and didn't suffer a prolonged illness. Best wishes

  6. I am so sorry for your loss Adam, I know what it is to lose a loved companion unexpectedly like that. I lost Oscar over exactly the same thing and I was devastated. What I know because I saw it is that Parsley was very loved by you, and clearly knew it. The love he gave back to you is yours forever, and that is how he will stay with you. All my thoughts are with you mate. Aaron

  7. So sorry for you Adam. Losing a pet is a bereavement, so you will be experiencing all of the emotions that painful experience brings. At least you have some super memories of Parsley and it is some comfort to know that he is no longer in any pain and he gave your YouTube viewers, as well as you, a laugh along the way. Nothing anyone can say will ease the heartbreak you are feeling right now but time does heal. My thoughts are with you as so are so many of your fans.

  8. so sorry, such a horrible time losing a pet 🙁 hopefully soon you can look back with happy memories rather than the pain and loss. RIP Parsley

  9. Oh Adam, I am so sorry to hear you lost your boy. The loss of a companion is difficult. I have felt your pain and I am so sorry you are going through this now. He will be waiting for you, across the rainbow bridge. Thinking of you. Catherine

  10. Hi, Your sister sent me this link. I’m so very sorry. Parsley looks so happy, young & very well-loved. Our Tabitha crossed the rainbow bridge in January so we are very familiar with the pain you feel. I’m absolutely certain they all live on, healthy again & in a wonderful land of pets & adoring humans. They visit us & don’t want us to be sad. We’ll meet up with them again. Much love xx

  11. My cat Johnny passed away in July 2020. Had him for 22 years old. Still miss him. I adopted two new ones a month after he passed away. Live my whole life with a cat so I needed to get another one (even if I end up with two). They warm my heart up. Maybe Johnny met Parsley.

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