March 22, 2025

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest June 2, 2020

  1. That's how I'm expecting my garlic this year!! They never really do get that big these days!! Good to see your corn covering up that back fence there!!

  2. That is WONDERFUL! I have so many questions I want to ask you… I may have to email, but I'll ask you two here real quick. We have a lot of wild blackberry in Texas, but they're very thorny. Did you buy those? I didn't see any thorns. Also, it looks like you have a lot of shade. What's the average amount of sun you get a day on your garden? Love what you're doing and thanks for stopping by my channel too!

  3. Nice little harvest there!! The girls sure do love harvest day!! You do all the work and they
    too reap the rewards heh!! Mmm those peas!! Have a good'nnn

  4. Good afternoon Lea. Interesting thought. Canning kale. Wow your chickens get plenty to eat from your garden. That is an impressive harvest. Some of my garlic didn't do well either. Stay safe. Best wishes Bob.

  5. Wonderful harvests! I can’t believe all that Kale! The blackberries look almost magical! Sorry the garlic experiment didn’t work out but as you say now you know!


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