March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How to Prune and Support Single Stem Tomatoes

In this video we will be showing you how to prune, sucker, and support single stem tomatoes. We get a lot of questions so we figured a comprehensive guide would help a lot of you out. Enjoy!

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Prune and Support Single Stem Tomatoes

  1. My side shoots already have fruit on them. Is it too late to trim those off? Would I be able to make a new plant from that side shoot after it has fruit on it already?

  2. just wanted to say hello from South Carolina. We love your videos and we are starting our garden on 7 acers! The content has given us the tips to grow a better garden we are doing raised beds in a sunny 1/2 acer spot . Thank again for all you do.

  3. Too long? Skip to around the 7 minute mark. This is for indeterminate tomatoes. You prune any lower branches that are going to touch the ground, suckers, and basically any branches below the first cluster of tomatoes. Then tie it to the stake. You’re welcome! Lol

  4. Hi Luke! Again another excellent and informative video as always. Now, besides this one you've talked about tomatoes in many other videos but my doubt remains, so my question is how many times are you watering your tomatoes in a week? It is daily or just a couple times in a week? This is regarding to your raised beds as well to containers. Could you please clarify me on that? I'm watering my tomatoes just 2 times a week, is this enough? Thanks

  5. I have been recycling the ear straps from the blue masks instead of throwing it away. bonus they are already the right length

  6. Hi there! I'm wondering what to do with the ties once the tomato plant grows. Are you supposed to cut it off weekly and retie the plant to the stake or does it just manage to grow and take the tie up the stake with it? I'm a definite beginner and I just can't figure this out!

  7. HELP! TY for your channel, Luke! Love it. My problem- I have 44 Big Mama hybrid plants growing single stem (after watching your videos). There are around 6 clusters of tomatoes on a branch. Each tomato can reach 8 to 10 ounces. Some are half way there. The problem is the lowest clusters are almost on the ground and causing the vine to slide down the stake. HOW can I support the clusters and vines?

  8. I just noticed that some of my indeterminate tomatoes have suckers that I missed and are quite large now. They have fruit on them, some of those suckers. Is it too late to prune them off and concentrate only on the fruit on the main stem or should I leave them at this point and just try to thin out the foliage? Thanks…

  9. So I have heard this a lot and understand the difference of looking at the suckers and the other branches, but i just want to clarify to make sure i am understanding something fully. Are you only able to grow another plant from a sucker or could you also try to do that if you prune the lateral branches?

  10. Do you treat cherry or grape tomatoes differently? Prune or not prune for smaller varieties? Would love to hear your take on it for next year’s garden. Thanks for the wealth of knowledge, it’s helpful for many of us beginner gardeners.

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