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Hope you will enjoy this compilation video accompanied by some happy tunes. We will be back next week with some fresh footage.
Original videos
Kidney Bean:
Tomato Plant:
Broccoli Sprouts:
Garden Cress:
Music: Growing Up Is Just A Trap – Martin Carlberg feat. Annica Svensson
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Time Lapses, Macro and Other cool stuff
All the time he wasted for this he deserves his first 1m subscribers
Im trying to decide what kind of plan i wanna grow
What just happened in radish
Try to plant Onion or garlic!!
This is only sprouting …. Wat abt the fruits of the hardwork??
camera used?
Good job
"…Do you not see how We have created every variety of plant and growing thing on the earth, beautiful and of every colour, and how We have made beautiful every part of it with them. And do you not see how we send down bounteous rain from the skies, and with it create gardens and orchards, and grains, and tall, fruit-bearing trees like the delicious date, and how I cause them to grow and send My servants sustenance with them? And do you not see that I raise to life the dead country with the rain? I create thousands of worldly resurrections. Just as I raise up with My power these plants out of this dead country, that is how your coming-forth will be at the resurrection. At the resurrection, the earth will die and you will come forth alive."
Words, by Said Nursi – 445(from Qur'an, 50:6-11.)
I love plants so much. And I have grown 18 plants
I love rhubarb root, lily of the valley root and lavender tea. Rhubarb root is a colon cleanser, lily of the valley root is great for blood pressure and lavender is great for stomach ailments and inflammation in general. The earth gives us all that we need freely.
Indeed as the song says "growing up is a trap" specially for plants bc then they'll be consumed then :0
It needs lots of patience to film such a great things
0:53 me trying to reach for the remote when im already cozy on the sofa
Oml the radish really know how to dance
This Chanel present me how’s life wonderful we are.
What time interval are these????
them radishes be dancin
can you grow a lemon plant
Do cabbage. Theres no time lapse of cabbage yet?
Your video and music relax my mind. Thanks
Is soo perfect
The 2 plants : love
That1 plant : am single :((