I harvested the first of my container grown potatoes, an early variety called Rocket. I was really surprised by the results and based on this reveal I would definitely grow them again. Nothing beats the lovely buttery taste of a new potato, if you haven’t grown them before do give them a try.
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#potatoharvest #potatoreveal #gardening
Might have to see if I can get rocket next year. Looks lik your getting the hang of this gardening lark lol. Great result mate.
Thats a good reveal Adam, Always said conainer growing is the way to go and you still have the compost to either use again or to revialise it and grow something else. You tube only allows one thumbs up, pity its worth 2 Take care Mike
Hi Adam, A great spud harvest well done, Take care and stay safe.
Well done, Adam! A double thumbs up to you too. Awesome bag of spuds.
Who'd have thought I'd lose $100 on the age old query, who is tougher…..a spud bag or Adam. Great results pal:)))
VERY NICE tater harvest outta that grow bag sir, 5#'s off of 2 seed taters is impressive!! Thank ya for sharing the harvest!! Dan
Great lot there I've got a few pots going
Amazing Adam, what compost did you use
Great harvest Adam, what do you do with your spent compost? It always seems a waste to just dump it and I've heard different views on how to make it reusable, what are your views on this?
nice one adam see you for chips sometime
Is now the best time to harvest? I've got half a barrel with 6 maris pipers planted in it and was thinking about waiting until late july.
Hi Adam, brilliant reveal. Get your sis to show you the reveal I did for her.
They look awesome, is it the first time you planted this variety?
Hi Adam, That's quite an acceptable yield from a potato bag. I know early potatoes were often forced in pots in glasshouses, but I am amazed how growing potatoes in containers has really taken off in recent years. Certainly less hard work than planting in the ground with all the soil preparation and not forgetting the earthing up!
wow awesome, nice harvets. but it looked little dry?? Anyhow very good looking potatos.
good harvest
Excellent potato reveal Adam, happy days
That’s impressive !!!!
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